intransitive verb
EN This occurred in 1831, and created, at the time, a very profound sensation wherever it was made the subject of converse.
GL Ocorreu en 1831 e causou naquel tempo unha fonda sensación onde queira que fose tema de conversa.
Fonte: BUR (88)
EN I was forced to the conclusion that Mrs Hubbard was inventing an incident that had never occurred.
GL Vinme así obrigado a acepta-la conclusión de que Missis Hubbard inventara un incidente que nunca acontecera.
Fonte: ASA (5924)
EN An odd incident had occurred at Frankfurt, where the plane from London grounded for an hour.
GL Cando o avión de Londres fixo escala dunha hora en Francfurt, sucedera algo raro.
Fonte: TER (75)
..... to occur to somebody
ocorrérselle a alguén
EN Once or twice I've seen your own name coupled with the nickname, but it never occurred to me that you could be the Henry Adams referred to.
GL Nunha ocasión ou dúas vin o teu nome xunto co alcume, pero nunca se me ocorreu que ti puideses se-lo Henry Adams ó que facía referencia.
Fonte: BIL(245)