EN She turned the page; there were only a few lines more, so that she would finish the story, though it was past bedtime.
GL Pasou a páxina; só quedaban unhas poucas liñas máis, de xeito que había remata-lo conto aínda que xa pasaba da hora de deitarse.
Fonte: CAR (815)
EN The only sound that reached them now through the heat of the morning was the long, grinding roar of the breakers on the reef.
GL O único son que chegaba onda eles, a través da quentura da mañá, era o longo estrondo das ondas ó bateren nos cons.
Fonte: SEN (200)
EN Only, you know, it isn't anything I'm to do, to achieve in the world, to be distinguished or admired for.
GL Pero, ¿sabe?, non é algo que eu vaia facer ou lograr no mundo, algo polo que vaia ser distinguido ou admirado.
Fonte: BES (140)
só que
EN It was the night of the match against the Bective Rangers; and the ball was made just like a red and green apple only it opened and it was full of the creamy sweets.
GL Fora a noite do encontro contra os Bective Rangers; e a bóla semellaba exactamente unha mazá vermella e verde, só que unha vez aberta viña chea de caramelos.
Fonte: RET (957)