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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- orange, orator, oratory, orb, orbit, orchard, orchestra, orchid, ordeal, order, orderly, ordinance, ordinarily, ordinary, ordination, ordure, ore, Oregon, organ


- noun
- orde

EN They thought of army commissions and land agents: peasants greeted them along the roads in the country; they knew the names of certain French dishes and gave orders to jarvies in high-pitched provincial voices which pierced through their skin-tight accents.
GL Pensaban en comisións militares e en axentes de perdios rústicos: os paisanos saudábanos ao cruzaren as estradas; coñecían os nomes de certos pratos franceses e daban ordes aos seus cocheiros con agudos acentos provinciais que se facían transparentes a través da pronunciación afectada.
- Fonte: RET (4786)
- pedido

EN What would he know of railway companies, of social movements, of telephone and telegraph wires, of the Parcels Delivery Company, and postal orders and the like?
GL ¿Que podería saber el das compañías de tren, dos movementos sociais, dos cables de teléfono e telégrafo, da compañía de entrega de paquetes, de pedidos postais e semellantes?
- Fonte: TEM (901)

- transitive verb
- pedir

EN I sat down at the bar --it was pretty crowded-- and ordered a couple of Scotch and sodas before old Luce even showed up.
GL Sentei na barra --estaba moi cheo-- e pedín un par de whiskies con soda, xa antes de que o Luce aparecese.
- Fonte: VIX (4551)
- encargar

EN There you will probably find a professional bookseller who will be able to recommend the most interesting books for each of your friends, tell the difference between a paperback and a pocket edition, and order from the publisher or distributor any book he or she does not have in stock.
GL Alí atopará, probablemente, un libreiro profesional, que poderá recomendarlle as mellores lecturas para cada un dos seus amigos, distinguir entre unha edición en rústica e unha de peto, encargarlle ó editor ou distribuidor algún volume que el non teña nese momento, etc.
- Fonte: C27 (945)