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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- sulk, sulkily, sulky, sullen, sullenly, sully, sulphur, sulphurous, sultan, sum, Sumatra, Sumatran, summarize, summary, summer, summertime, summit, summon, summons


- noun
- cantidade

EN Enclosed you will find a sum of money.
GL Neste sobre atopará unha cantidade de diñeiro.
- Fonte: BIL (97)
- suma

EN I won a large sum this winter on the races, and I am beginning to sell my sketches.
GL Este inverno gañei unha boa suma nas carreiras e vou empezar a vende-los meus debuxos.
- Fonte: ESP (2236)

- transitive verb
.....--- to sum up
- recapitular

EN For a moment Lily, standing there, with the sun hot on her back, summing up the Rayleys, triumphed over Mrs Ramsay, who would never know how Paul went to coffee-houses and had a mistress; how he sat on the ground and Minta handed him his tools; how she stood here painting, had never married, not even William Bankes.
GL Por un momento, Lily, alí de pé, coa calor do sol nas súas costas, recapitulando a historia dos Rayley, triunfaba sobre a señora Ramsay, que endexamais sabería que Paul ía ós cafés e tiña unha amante; que sentaba no chan mentres Minta lle pasaba as ferramentas; que ela estaba aquí pintando, que non casara, nin tan sequera con William Bankes.
- Fonte: CAR (2764)
- resumir

EN All things considered, and at the risk of oversimplifying, this complicated business can be summed up in two sentences.
GL Sen embargo, ben mirado e aínda a risco de caermos no esquematismo, todo este complexo aunto pode resumirse en dúas frases.
- Fonte: C08 (700)