EN "I will fly from this palace," said he, "which has become an odious prison, and, a pilgrim of love, will seek this unknown princess throughout the world".
GL Fuxirei deste palacio --dixo para si-- que virou para min en prisión noxenta e, peregrino de amor, hei procurar polo mundo esta princesa descoñecida.
Fonte: ALH (529)
EN There was life abroad in it different from the life which had been there throughout the summer.
GL Era unha vida diferente á que coñecera durante o verán.
Fonte: CHA (1587)
ao longo de, · ó longo de
EN It shows three people, a man and two children, who have escaped from a bloody hostage-taking episode and struggle throughout the film to find their way out of a maze of misfortune.
GL Esta longametraxe amosa a tres superviventes dunha sanguenta toma de reféns, un home e dous nenos que, ó longo de toda a película, tentan saír dun labirinto de angustia.
Fonte: C03 (298)