transitive verb
PAST: hit. PART: hit |
EN With the boar only five yards away, he flung the foolish wooden stick that he carried, saw it hit the great snout and hang there for a moment.
GL Cando o porco estaba a uns cinco metros, guindoulle o cativeiro pao de madeira que levaba, e viu como lle golpeaba o grande fociño e quedaba pendurado un chisco.
Fonte: SEN (3304)
bater en
EN He took a step, and able at last to hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy's stomach.
GL Deu un paso e, capaz xa de bater en alguén, espetoulle ó Piggy o puño no estómago.
Fonte: SEN (1956)
EN "Don't hit him again if he behaves," and turning away from both of them towards the inner bar (I deserved one more drink), I heard Paine say respectfully to the man he had just knocked down, "This way, sir".
GL E non lle zurres de novo se se porta ben. Despois de afastarme deles, fun ao interior do bar (necesitaba outra copa) e escoitei como Paine se dirixía con respecto ao home que acababa de golpear: --Por aquí, señor.
Fonte: TER (353)
EN And then I tried to hit this man Callaghan.
GL E, ademais eu intentei zoscarlle ao tipo ese, ao Callaghan.
Fonte: TER (1262)
EN I hit him with my spear, I wounded him.
GL Acerteille eu coa miña pica e ferino.
Fonte: SEN (3355)
EN 'I hit him,' said Ralph indignantly. 'I hit him with my spear, I wounded him'.
GL Deille eu --dixo Ralph indignado-- . Acerteille eu coa miña pica e ferino.
Fonte: SEN (3354)
intransitive verb
..... to hit out
EN Rollo wanted to hit out, but Martins was steady, careful.
GL Rollo desexaba atacar mais Martins mantíñase sensato, alerta.
Fonte: TER (269)
EN A film like Crane World was a hit because it is a sombre portrait of people who refuse to abandon their hopes.
GL O éxito de Mundo grúa débese a que traza un retrato melancólico de quen resisten a perde-las súas ilusións.
Fonte: C03 (482)