EN I took my dinners there, but for breakfast I stuck by Harris's humble feeding house, where I had got my first meal on my million-pound bill.
GL Alí facía as comidas pero á hora do almorzo seguía fiel ó humilde restaurante de Harris, onde comera a primeira vez a conta do meu billete dun millón de libras.
Fonte: BIL (109)
EN Filled with her words, like a child who drops off satisfied, he said, at last, looking at her with humble gratitude, restored, renewed, that he would take a turn; he would watch the children playing cricket.
GL Cheo de palabras dela, reposto, restablecido, coma un neno que, logo de farto, bota a durmir, dixo á fin, mirándoa con modesta gratitude, que ía dar unha volta: ía ver como xogaban os nenos ó críquet.
Fonte: CAR (470)
transitive verb
EN His father's whistle, his mother's mutterings, the screech of an unseen maniac were to him now so many voices offending and threatening to humble the pride of his youth.
GL O asubío do seu pai, as reprimendas da súa nai, o berro dunha maníaca, eran agora para el tantas voces ofendéndoo e ameazando humillar o arruallo da súa mocidade.
Fonte: RET (3465)