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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- kinetic, king, kingdom, kinship, kinsman, kinswoman, kiosk, Kirghiz, Kirghizstan, kiss, kisser, kit, kitchen, kite, kitsch, kitten, kitty, kleenex, km


- noun
- bico

EN She leaned over and kissed him --a soft, cool, delicate kiss, whose voluptuous sting penetrated his whole being-- then she moved away from him.
GL Inclinouse sobre el e bicouno; un bico, suave, frío e delicado, penetrando o voluptuoso aguillón en todo o seu ser. Despois afastouse del.
- Fonte: ESP (3029)

- transitive verb
- bicar

EN That was to kiss. His mother put her lips on his cheek; her lips were soft and they wetted his cheek; and they made a tiny little noise: kiss.
GL Isto era bicar. A nai poñía os beizos na súa meixela; tiña os beizos suaves e mollaban a meixela, e facían un ruidiño: bicar.
- Fonte: RET (208)
- dar un bico

EN "Oh, jolly! oh, thanks!" and Sally jumped up and kissed his wife in gratitude.
GL ¡Ouh, estupendo! ¡Ouh, gracias! --e entón Sally púxose en pé dun brinco e deulle un bico á súa muller en sinal de agradecemento.
- Fonte: LEG (127)

- intransitive verb
- bicarse

EN And Andrew shouted that the sea was coming in, so she leapt splashing through the shallow waves on to the shore and ran up the beach and was carried by her own impetuosity and her desire for rapid movement right behind a rock and there oh heavens! in each other's arms were Paul and Minta! kissing probably.
GL E nese momento Andrew berrou que estaba a subi-la marea, polo que ela se lanzou batuxando a través das ondas pouco profundas da beira e subiu correndo pola praia levada da súa propia impetuosidade e do seu desexo de movemento veloz ata que chegou detrás dunha pena e alí ¡o demo me nunca!: ¡Paul e Minta estaban abrazados!, probablemente bicándose.
- Fonte: CAR (1098)