EN An inaudible voice seemed to caress the soul, telling her names and glories, bidding her arise as for espousal and come away, bidding her look forth, a spouse, from Amana and from the mountains of the leopards; and the soul seemed to answer with the same inaudible voice, surrendering herself: Inter ubera mea commorabitur.
GL Unha voz inaudible semellaba aloumiñarlle a alma, dicíndolle as súas glorias e nomes, convidándoa a erguerse e saír ao encontro do cortexo de vodas, pedíndolle que espreitase ao esposo, desde Amana e desde as montañas dos leopardos; e a alma, rendéndose, parecía responder coa mesma voz inaudible: Inter ubera mea commorabitur.
Fonte: RET (3079)