EN At the same moment he thought he saw a likeness between his father's mind and that of this smiling well-dressed priest: and he was aware of some desecration of the priest's office or of the vestry itself whose silence was now routed by loud talk and joking and its air pungent with the smells of the gas-jets and the grease.
GL Nese momento pensou que vía unha semellanza entre a mente do seu pai e a deste crego ben vestido e sorrinte: e decatouse de que había unha especie de desacralización do oficio do crego ou da mesma sancristía o silencio da cal liscara agora por mor das conversas en voz alta e das bromas e dotada dunha atmosfera que se enchía dun cheiro acre de gas e de graxa.
Fonte: RET (1788)
EN In the presence of others she expressed admiration for his exalted gifts, as she handed the photograph around and dwelt upon the fidelity of the likeness.
GL En presencia dos demais, expresaba a súa admiración polas magníficas aptitudes do actor, mentres amosaba a foto e se estendía sobre a fidelidade do parecido.
Fonte: ESP (418)