EN The hairy man could spring up into the trees and travel ahead as fast as on the ground, swinging by the arms from limb to limb, sometimes a dozen feet apart, letting go and catching, never falling, never missing his grip.
GL O home sabía agatuñar polas árbores e brincar dunha a outra coa mesma axilidade con que se movía en terra, saltando de póla en póla, salvando distancias superiores ós doce pés, e nunca marraba o salto, nunca caía.
Fonte: CHA (1457)
EN His hands were cold and damp and his limbs ached with chill.
GL Tiña as mans frías e húmidas e os membros doridos polos calafríos.
Fonte: RET (2745)
EN There was a speck above the island, a figure dropping swiftly beneath a parachute, a figure that hung with dangling limbs.
GL Apareceu un punto sobre a illa, unha figura que caía velozmente debaixo dun paracaídas, unha figura coas extremidades colgando.
Fonte: SEN (2768)