EN I was a lucky fellow to have quaffed health and joyous spirits, and perhaps long life, at my master's hands; but my good fortune ended there: longevity was far different from immortality.
GL Considerábame un tipo afortunado porque o meu mestre me obsequiara con boa saúde e alegría e quizais unha longa vida. Pero a miña boa fortuna acababa aí, a lonxevidade era ben diferente da inmortalidade.
Fonte: MOR (165)
..... to be lucky
ter sorte
EN I was quite lucky when I got to the station, because I only had to wait about ten minutes for a train.
GL Cando cheguei á estación tiven sorte, porque só tiven que agardar uns dez minutos por un tren.
Fonte: VIX (1750)