EN Ralph chose the firm strip as a path because he needed to think; and only here could he allow his feet to move without having to watch them.
GL Ralph escolleu esta faixa para camiñar porque necesitaba pensar; e unicamente aquí podía deixar que os seus pés se movesen sen ter que vixialos.
Fonte: SEN (2093)
EN He folded his blanket carefully and draped it in a narrow strip over his left shoulder, and now they were ready.
GL Dobrou a manta con coidado nunha estreita tira e colocouna sobre o seu ombro esquerdo. Agora estaban preparados.
Fonte: PER (724)
EN The question addressed in the programme was: "Do you prefer white or yellow stripes on pedestrian crossings?".
GL A pregunta que se formulara daquela fora: "¿Prefire vostede as raias brancas ou as amarelas para sinala-los pasos de peóns?".
Fonte: C19 (116)
transitive verb
EN Bran came down from the dun to help Fin; she bit and tore his enemy's back, stripping the skin and flesh from his head to his heels.
GL Bran baixou do dun para axudarlle a Fin: mordeu e esfolou as costas do inimigo, quitándolle a pel desde a cabeza ata os pés.
Fonte: BIR (132)