EN The greater part of the time he scraped on two or three strings, accompanying every movement of the bow with a motion of the head; bowing almost to the ground, and stamping with his foot whenever a fresh couple were to start.
GL A maior parte do tempo rascaba só dúas ou tres cordas, acompañando cada movemento do arco con outro da cabeza, e inclinándose case ata o chan, que golpeaba co pé cada vez que unha parella comezaba a bailar.
Fonte: LEN (197)
EN A string of disasters in the 1990s --economic crisis, debt and political paralysis-- wiped out the advances these continents had made over the preceding 20 years and plunged new sectors of their population into poverty.
GL Unha serie de desastres encadeados --crise económica, endebedamento e bloqueos políticos-- acabaron alí cos progresos logrados en décadas precedentes e levaron á pobreza a novos sectores da poboación.
Fonte: C11 (601)