EN The stroke was playful but not so lightly given as the first one had been.
GL O golpe fora de novo xoguetón, pero xa non tanto como a primeira vez.
Fonte: RET (1654)
EN She did shout for joy, as with a sweeping stroke or two she lifted her body to the surface of the water.
GL E de feito xa o fixo, cando, por medio dunha ou dúas amplas brazadas, ergueu o corpo ata a superficie da auga.
Fonte: ESP (689)
transitive verb
EN She stroked James's head; she transferred to him what she felt for her husband, and, as she watched him chalk yellow the white dress shirt of a gentleman in the Army and Navy Stores catalogue, thought what a delight it would be to her should he turn out a great artist; and why should he not?
GL Púxose a agarima-la cabeza de James, transferíndolle o sentimento que tiña polo seu home, e, mentres o vía pintar de amarelo a camisa branca dun señor do catálogo dos Almacéns do Exército e da Armada, pensaba no marabilloso que sería para ela de se chegar a converter nun grande artista; ¿e por que non o había ser?
Fonte: CAR (348)
EN He adjusts his blue gallabeya robes, strokes his chin and looks towards the capital again.
GL Axusta os faldóns da súa camisa azul, aloumiña o queixelo, alza de novo a vista para capital.
Fonte: C30 (88)