EN In the centre of the central pyramid is a sepulchral chamber, in which is inclosed the mummy of the high-priest, who aided in rearing that stupendous pile; and with him is buried a wondrous book of knowledge containing all the secrets of magic and art.
GL No medio da pirámide central hai unha cámara sepulcral, na que está pechada a momia do Sumo Sacerdote que axudou a erguer esa mole estupenda, e onda el está soterrado un marabilloso libro de sabedoría que contén tódolos segredos da maxia e mais da arte.
Fonte: ALH (111)
EN His face was dark with the violent pleasure of making this stupendous noise, and his heart was making the stretched shirt shake.
GL Tiña a cara morada polo violento pracer de producir aquel marabilloso ruído, e o seu corazón facía latexa-la camisa.
Fonte: SEN (337)