transitive verb
EN Several of them are swapping some of their old partners for new ones who appear to comply with new requirements on governance, pro-poor growth, gender equity and basic education.
GL Varios deles están substituíndo os seus antigos asociados por outros que parecen axustarse mellor ás novas esixencias en materia de gobernabilidade, crecemento en beneficio dos desfavorecidos, igualdade entre os sexos e educación básica.
Fonte: C02 (539)
EN On the basis of our approach, we can think globally, set up links between the particular and the universal, swap experiences and keep ourselves regularly informed.
GL Dese xeito, podemos pensar de maneira global, establecer relacións entre o particular e o universal, intercambiar experiencias e manternos regularmente informados.
Fonte: C08 (565)