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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- swindler, swine, swing, swinging, swirl, swirling, swish, swishing, Swiss, switch, switchback, Switzerland, swivell, swollen, swoon, swooning, swoop, swop, sword


- noun
- interruptor

EN Martins felt desperately for a light switch, first to his right hand and then to his left.
GL Martins apalpou desesperadamente á procura dun interruptor, á dereita e á esquerda.
- Fonte: TER (1424)
- chave da luz

EN He examined the switch of the top light and also the roll back bed-head light.
GL Examinou a chave da luz de arriba e a da lámpada encartable da cabeceira da cama.
- Fonte: ASA (4482)
- vara

EN I will follow and strike you with this switch, and coming up I will run ahead, and you strike me as often as you can.
GL Eu seguireite e pegareiche con esta vara; e, monte arriba, correrei eu diante e ti pegarasme cantas veces poidas.
- Fonte: BIR (25)
- paso

EN Many credit the improvement to the rapid switch to a market economy and a democratic system after a long period of "true socialism".
GL Deberíase, segundo numerosos observadores, á aceleración do paso á economía de mercado e á democracia, tras un longo período de "socialismo real".
- Fonte: C29 (756)

- transitive verb
.....--- to switch off
- apagar

EN For example, you write, "A rocket slammed through a wing of the hospital, causing three casualties, including an innocent Sony television set that was switched off".
GL Vostede escribe, por exemplo: "Un proxectil atravesa unha á do hospital, causando tres víctimas, entre as que figura un televisor Sony apagado, inocente".
- Fonte: C09 (1317)
.....--- to switch on
- acender

EN As soon as we arrived, he would say in a voice charged with emotion: "Let the show begin!" and would start to switch on the lights one by one.
GL Así que chegabamos, dicía cunha voz cargada de emoción: "¡Que comece o espectáculo!". E inmediatamente principiaba a acende-las luces unha por unha.
- Fonte: C23 (771)