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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- thuggish, thumb, thump, thunder, thunderbird, thunderbolt, thunderclap, thunder-shower, thunderstorm, thurible, Thursday, thus, thwart, thy, thymine, thyroid, Tiber, Tiberias, Tibet


- noun
- incensario

EN He had bent his knee sideways like such a one, he had shaken the thurible only slightly like such a one, his chasuble had swung open like that of such another as he turned to the altar again after having blessed the people.
GL Dobraba o xeonllo coma un, abaneaba o incensario levemente coma outro, a súa casula abríase como a dun terceiro cando se viraba de costas para o altar despois de bendicir os fregueses.
- Fonte: RET (3170)