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ili-30-01016002-v CILI: i26659
WordNet Domains: factotum
SUMO Ontology: Stating+
Top Ontology: Dynamic+ communication+
Basic Level Concept: 00818974-v insist
Epinonyms: [4] being
[4] being |0,95|
[3] ili-30-14481929-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[2] ili-30-14483917-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-14485526-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-01016002-v (related_to) |0,8|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- afirmar [afiɾˈmaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- alegar [alɛˈɣaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- declarar [deklaˈɾaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- dicir [diˈθiɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
No entanto, o xurado dixo que cría que "estas dúas oficinas deberían combinarse para acadar unha maior eficiencia e para reducir os custos de administración". [a01 (8)] SemCor Corpus
PT Variantes
- achacar [ɐʃɐkˈar]
- afirmar [ɐfirmˈar]
- alegar [ɐlɨgˈar]
- arguir [ɐrgwˈir]
- argumentar [ɐrgumẽtˈar]
- dar_como_razão
- declarar [dɨklɐrˈar]
- desculpar-se_com
- dizer [dizˈer]
- dizer_que
- objetar
- pretextar [prɨtɐjʃtˈar]
informar ou manter
CA Variantes
- afirmar
- al·legar
- declarar
- sentenciar
EU Variantes
- adierazi
- esan
ES Variantes
- afirmar
- alegar
- decir
- declarar
- sentenciar
EN Variantes
- allege [ə'ɫɛdʒ]
He alleged that he was the victim of a crime
- aver ['eɪvɝ]
- say ['seɪ]
He said it was too late to intervene in the war
The registrar says that I owe the school money
report or maintain
DE Variantes
- behaupten
FR Variantes
- accuser
- affirmer
- alléguer
- déclarer
- dire
ZH_S Variantes
- 主张
- 声称
- 宣称
- 断言
- 陈述
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (99) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
01016778-v: state categorically
01016316-v: make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
06731186-n: statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove
14485526-n: the chance to speak
00109966-a: a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc.
00110252-a: a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression
00154307-r: according to what has been alleged
00286063-a: discriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of men's attitude toward women)
00426388-n: unscrupulously accusing people of disloyalty (as by saying they were Communists)
00588207-a: destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited
01016316-v: make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
01025678-n: (law) a procedure whereby a party to a suit says that a particular line of questioning or a particular witness or a piece of evidence or other matter is improper and should not be continued and asks the court to rule on its impropriety or illegality
01054545-n: the act of dwelling in or living permanently in a place (said of both animals and men)
01183031-n: a lawsuit alleging violations of civil law by the defendant
01183497-n: a lawsuit alleging violations of criminal law by the defendant
01606978-n: nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
01827202-n: a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves
02091244-n: breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt
02722901-a: said of or relating to the Essenes
02849729-n: a stone in a castle in Ireland that is said to impart skill in flattery to anyone who kisses it
03216199-n: forked stick that is said to dip down to indicate underground water or oil
03742728-n: an antimalarial drug (trade name Larium and Mephaquine) that is effective in cases that do not respond to chloroquine; said to produce harmful neuropsychiatric effects on some people
04349701-n: medicine consisting of a tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it
04408174-n: a large temple at Ephesus that was said to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
04619083-n: (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve; said to be formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (usually as a consequence of toilet training)
05625879-n: a place that exists only in imagination; a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings
05626929-n: according to legend, an island in the Atlantic Ocean that Plato said was swallowed by an earthquake
05627222-n: an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
05708030-n: intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics
05775407-n: knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
05898035-n: a phantom ship that is said to appear in storms near the Cape of Good Hope
06187529-n: doctrine that the useful is the good; especially as elaborated by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill; the aim was said to be the greatest happiness for the greatest number
06303682-n: two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context
06448397-n: the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament; said to have been translated from the Hebrew by Jewish scholars at the request of Ptolemy II
06466787-n: one of the 150 lyrical poems and prayers that comprise the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament; said to have been written by David
06479204-n: a certificate saying that a departing ship's company is healthy (to be presented at the next port of arrival)
06479494-n: a certificate saying that the holder is qualified to teach in the public schools
06544432-n: a judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate
06559832-n: any defensive pleading that affirms facts rather than merely denying the facts alleged by the plaintiff
06560021-n: a pleading that alleges facts so separate that it is difficult to determine which facts the person intends to rely on
06563478-n: (law) a pleading that alleges new facts in avoidance of the opposing allegations
06628450-n: (Roman Catholic Church) a card sent to a bereaved family that says the sender has arranged for a Mass to be said in memory of the deceased
06688059-n: the phrase used by the official censor of the Roman Catholic Church to say that a publication has been examined and contains nothing offensive to the church
06784639-n: a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
06885389-n: evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance
06885906-n: evidence proving that you are not who you say you are not; evidence establishing that you are not among a group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to rejection
07204240-n: the act of asserting that something alleged is not true
07363180-n: descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity that occurs late in pregnancy; the fetus is said to have dropped
07482782-n: a complex of males; desire to possess the mother sexually and to exclude the father; said to be a source of personality disorders if unresolved
07550204-n: (psychoanalysis) a female's presumed envy of the male's penis; said to explain femininity
07642070-n: a small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock
08015321-n: a radical Islamic group of terrorists in the Iraqi part of Kurdistan who oppose an independent secular nation as advocated by the United States; some members fought with the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan; said to receive financial support from Saddam Hussein
08026904-n: a terrorist group organized in 1970 to overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution; is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists
08228229-n: Christian fellowship or communion with God or with fellow Christians; said in particular of the early Christian community
08486538-n: (New Testament) the sages who visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph shortly after Jesus was born; the Gospel According to Matthew says they were guided by a star and brought gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh; because there were three gifts it is usually assumed that there were three of them
08489890-n: the ability (said of certain Roman Catholic saints) to exist simultaneously in two locations
08606012-n: a national park in Arkansas featuring ancient hot springs; bathing is said to have therapeutic effects
09248724-n: (Greek mythology) a river in Hades that was said to be a tributary of the Acheron
09432785-n: an ancient forest in central England; formerly a royal hunting ground; said to be the home of Robin Hood and his merry band
09487252-n: a large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas
09487385-n: large hairy humanoid creature said to live in wilderness areas of the United States and Canada
09500936-n: a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years
09546604-n: a fairy that is said to leave money at night under a child's pillow to compensate for a baby tooth falling out
10321754-n: a person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles
10535047-n: legendary English outlaw of the 12th century; said to have robbed the rich to help the poor
10824888-n: a legendary king of the Britons (possibly based on a historical figure in the 6th century but the story has been retold too many times to be sure); said to have led the Knights of the Round Table at Camelot
10838802-n: French soldier said to be fearless and chivalrous (1473-1524)
10857001-n: United States outlaw who was said to have killed 21 men (1859-1881)
10874921-n: English psychologist whose studies of twins were later said to have used fabricated data (1883-1971)
10921571-n: the Greek courtier to Dionysius the Elder who (according to legend) was condemned to sit under a naked sword that was suspended by a hair in order to demonstrate to him that being a king was not the happy state Damocles had said it was (4th century BC)
10926597-n: French composer who is said to have created Impressionism in music (1862-1918)
11008173-n: legendary king of ancient Phrygia who was said to be responsible for the Gordian knot
11044295-n: a presocratic Greek philosopher who said that fire is the origin of all things and that permanence is an illusion as all things are in perpetual flux (circa 500 BC)
11051376-n: Greek astronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes and made the first known star chart and is said to have invented trigonometry (second century BC)
11060416-n: Roman lyric poet said to have influenced English poetry (65-8 BC)
11085924-n: (New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally said to be the author of the 4th Gospel and three epistles and the book of Revelation
11177370-n: (Old Testament) a patriarch (grandfather of Noah) who is said to have lived 969 years
11203472-n: Roman Emperor notorious for his monstrous vice and fantastic luxury (was said to have started a fire that destroyed much of Rome in 64) but the Roman Empire remained prosperous during his rule (37-68)
11223642-n: a presocratic Greek philosopher born in Italy; held the metaphysical view that being is the basic substance and ultimate reality of which all things are composed; said that motion and change are sensory illusions (5th century BC)
11240249-n: a Powhatan woman (the daughter of Powhatan) who befriended the English at Jamestown and is said to have saved Captain John Smith's life (1595-1617)
11247897-n: son of Ptolemy I and king of Egypt who was said to be responsible for the Septuagint (circa 309-247 BC)
11263337-n: United States astronomer said to have built the first telescope made in America; also the first director of the United States Mint (1732-1796)
11270577-n: American seamstress said to have made the first American flag at the request of George Washington (1752-1836)
11305402-n: English explorer who helped found the colony at Jamestown, Virginia; was said to have been saved by Pocahontas (1580-1631)
11337331-n: a presocratic Greek philosopher and astronomer (who predicted an eclipse in 585 BC) who was said by Aristotle to be the founder of physical science; he held that all things originated in water (624-546 BC)
11338667-n: Greek poet who is said to have originated Greek tragedy (sixth century BC)
11392539-n: German archaeologist and art historian said to be the father of archaeology (1717-1768)
11455386-n: (Biblical) the great deluge that is said in the Book of Genesis to have occurred in the time of Noah; it was brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of human beings
12636885-n: any of a numerous plants grown for their five-petaled flowers; abundant in temperate regions; alleged to have medicinal properties
13419755-n: a letter of intent saying that a letter security is being bought for investment and not for resale; avoids need for SEC registration
13478813-n: the process of exuding or passing out of a vessel into surrounding tissues; said of blood or lymph or urine
13742840-n: a singular metaphysical entity from which material properties are said to derive
13906767-n: a crease on the palm; its length is said by palmists to indicate how long you will live
13906936-n: a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates your emotional nature
13907104-n: a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates how successful you will be
14285461-n: emotional injury inflicted on an infant by events incident to birth that is alleged to appear in symbolic form in patients with mental illness
14543411-n: the threat to Western civilization said to arise from the power of Asiatic peoples
14939755-n: (Greek mythology) the rarified fluid said to flow in the veins of the Gods
14970136-n: any of a series of nerve agents containing organophosphate compounds first synthesized by German chemists in 1936; in World War II the Germans tested them in concentration camps but not on the battlefield; Iraq is alleged to have used them against Iran and against the Kurds