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ili-30-02427103-v CILI: i33867
WordNet Domains: factotum
SUMO Ontology: Declaring+
Top Ontology: Dynamic+ social+
Basic Level Concept: 02426171-v open
Epinonyms: [3] change_of_state [3] creator
[3] change_of_state |0,93|
[2] ili-30-00235435-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-00240184-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-02427103-v (related_to) |0,8|
[3] creator |0,93|
[2] ili-30-10383816-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-10107303-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-02427103-v (related_to) |0,8|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- estabelecer [estaβeleˈθeɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- establecer [estaβleˈθeɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
Aínda que a Escala de Taylor se concibiu como un dispositivo para probas de grupo, neste estudo aplicárona individualmente traballadores expertos en psicoloxía que estableceron unha conexión e axudaron aos rapaces a ler as apartados. [j29 (32)] SemCor Corpus
- fundar [funˈdaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
En 1793 os irmáns decidiron inscribirse na Universidade de Copenhagen (fundada en 1479) e a primavera seguinte atopounos na universidade preparándose para matricularse no período académico de outono. [e26 (12)] SemCor Corpus
- implantar [implanˈtaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- iniciar [iniˈθjaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
Considere o que pode permitirse gastar e cales son os seus obxectivos antes de iniciar ou renovar o seu programa de prestacións para traballadores. [e30 (66)] SemCor Corpus
- lanzar [lanˈθaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
Esta reunión convocouse para determinar como poden cooperar estes grupos para lanzar o que se coñece como o Proxecto de Educación ao Aire Libre. [e31 (19)] SemCor Corpus
PT Variantes
- estabelecer [ɨʃtɐbɨlɨsˈer]
- fundar [fũdˈar]
- instaurar [ĩʃtawrˈar]
- lançar [lɐ̃sˈar]
configurar ou encontrados
CA Variantes
- establir
- fundar
- implantar
- instaurar
- instituir
ES Variantes
- establecer
- fundar
- implantar
- instaurar
- instituir
- lanzar
instaurar o fundar
EN Variantes
- establish [ɪ'stæbɫɪʃ]
- found ['faʊnd]
- launch ['ɫɔntʃ]
- set_up
She set up a literacy program
set up or found
DE Variantes
- eröffnen
- gründen
- herstellen
- niederlassen
LA Variantes
- aedifico
- aperio
- comparo
- condo
- constituo
- figo
- firmo
- fundo
- instituo
- sisto
- statuo
IT Variantes
- costituire
- creare
- edificare
- erigere
- fondare
- impostare
- istituire
- stabilire
FR Variantes
- établir
- fonder
- lancer
- reconstituer
- rétablir
ZH_S Variantes
- 创办
- 创立
- 建立
- 成立
- 确立
- 设立
ZH_T Variantes
- 開國
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (172) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
02427334-v: do away with
02426171-v: start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning
00237078-n: the act of forming or establishing something
00240184-n: the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
08406486-n: an institution supported by an endowment
10107303-n: a person who founds or establishes some institution
00236194-n: a beginning from which an enterprise is launched
01536445-a: of or relating to British universities founded in the late 19th century or the 20th century
02678087-a: of or relating to the French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet
02680977-a: of or relating to the Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne's father
02926708-a: of or pertaining to Zoroaster or the religion he founded
03035113-a: of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the religion he founded
03066658-a: of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him
03103682-n: university founded in 1859 by Peter Cooper to offer free courses in the arts and sciences
06234825-n: the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran
06239655-n: religion founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism; emphasizes asceticism and immortality and transmigration of the soul; denies existence of a perfect or supreme being
06239931-n: the doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam
06243575-n: a religion founded by Manes in the third century; a synthesis of Zoroastrian dualism between light and dark and Babylonian folklore and Buddhist ethics and superficial elements of Christianity; spread widely in the Roman Empire but had largely died out by 1000
06244149-n: system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster; set forth in the Zend-Avesta; based on concept of struggle between light (good) and dark (evil)
06244552-n: a religion founded in Iran in 1863; emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind; incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets; many adherents live in the United States
06423233-n: any of a series of travel guidebooks published by the German firm founded by Karl Baedeker
08011523-n: a Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state; during the 1960s and 1970s trained terrorist and insurgent groups
08015731-n: a terrorist organization founded in 1999 to oppose the link between nationalists and the Corsican mafia
08017614-n: a terrorist organization whose goal is to take over Japan and then the world; based on a religion founded in 1987 that combines elements of Buddhism with Christianity
08018983-n: an ultra-leftist militant group founded in 1957 from the breakup of the Japanese Communist Party; includes a covert action wing
08026197-n: a terrorist organization founded in 2000; a militant Islamic group active in Kashmir and closely aligned with al-Rashid Trust; seeks to secure release of imprisoned fellow militants by kidnappings
08028397-n: a terrorist organization founded for Jewish defense; fights antisemitism and hopes to restore the biblical state of Israel
08033454-n: a terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the 1980s to provide money and recruit fighters around the world; enlisted and transported thousands of men to Afghanistan to fight the Russians; a split in the group led bin Laden and the extremist faction of MAK to form al-Qaeda
08049125-n: an organization concerned to preserve historic monuments and buildings and places of historical interest or natural beauty; founded in 1895 and supported by endowment and private subscription
08053576-n: an organization founded and united for a specific purpose
08089205-n: church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah
08090547-n: a Baptist denomination founded in 1708 by Americans of German descent; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion
08090803-n: Protestant denomination founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866
08091575-n: Protestant denomination founded in the United States by Charles Taze Russell in 1884
08093421-n: a Christian church (with some Buddhist elements) founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon and known for staging mass weddings and other communal activities
08097766-n: a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
08098192-n: sect founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism
08099825-n: the group of initiated Sikhs to which devout orthodox Sikhs are ritually admitted at puberty; founded by the tenth and last Guru in 1699
08100033-n: a new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment
08148601-n: a Roman Catholic monastic order founded in the 6th century; noted for liturgical worship and for scholarly activities
08148827-n: a Roman Catholic mendicant order founded in the 12th century
08149004-n: an austere contemplative Roman Catholic order founded by St. Bruno in 1084
08149160-n: a Roman Catholic order of mendicant preachers founded in the 13th century
08149314-n: a Roman Catholic order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th century
08149473-n: a Roman Catholic order founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to defend Catholicism against the Reformation and to do missionary work among the heathen; it is strongly committed to education and scholarship
08150377-n: a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers
08154213-n: a Frankish dynasty founded by Hugh Capet that ruled from 987 to 1328
08154363-n: a Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne's father that ruled from 751 to 987
08156200-n: a Frankish dynasty founded by Clovis I that reigned in Gaul and Germany from about 500 to 750
08156948-n: an ancient dynasty of Macedonian kings who ruled Egypt from 323 BC to 30 BC; founded by Ptolemy I and ended with Cleopatra
08170070-n: the German republic founded at Weimar in 1919
08211924-n: special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps
08258184-n: a former political party in the United States; founded in 1825 in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs
08258358-n: a militant Black political party founded in 1965 to end political dominance by Whites
08259753-n: a major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; founded by Alexander Hamilton; favored a strong centralized government
08260691-n: the political party founded in 1911 by Sun Yat-sen; it governed China under Chiang Kai-shek from 1928 until 1949 when the Communists took power and subsequently was the official ruling party of Taiwan
08262309-n: the political party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933
08262695-n: a former political party in the United States; founded by Theodore Roosevelt during the presidential campaign of 1912; its emblem was a picture of a bull moose
08263303-n: a political party in Germany and Britain (and elsewhere) founded in late 19th century; originally Marxist; now advocates the gradual transformation of capitalism into democratic socialism
08275497-n: a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life
08281205-n: an honorary academy in London (founded in 1768) intended to cultivate painting and sculpture and architecture in Britain
08308922-n: an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality
08321218-n: an Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England and unification of Ireland; became the political branch of the Irish Republican Army
08374773-n: a newly established colony (especially in the colonization of North America)
08410891-n: a public school for boys founded in 1440; located in Berkshire
08467871-n: an art movement launched in 1905 whose work was characterized by bright and nonnatural colors and simple forms; influenced the expressionists
08471185-n: an organization of young women and girls founded in 1912 for character development and citizenship training
08473173-n: a former international labor union and radical labor movement in the United States; founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I
08504151-n: an ancient city in Bithynia; founded in the 4th century BC and flourished under the Romans; the Nicene Creed was adopted there in 325
08707431-n: an ancient town founded by the Romans; noted for extensive and well-preserved ruins
08713136-n: a city in central Argentina; site of a university founded in 1613
08773336-n: a port city in northern Germany on the Elbe River that was founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century and is today the largest port in Germany; in 1241 it formed an alliance with Lubeck that became the basis for the Hanseatic League
08785132-n: an autonomous area in northeastern Greece that is the site of several Greek Orthodox monasteries founded in the tenth century
08792295-n: an ancient kingdom of the Hebrew tribes at the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea; founded by Saul around 1025 BC and destroyed by the Assyrians in 721 BC
08799462-n: an ancient city in central Palestine founded in the 9th century BC as the capital of the northern Hebrew kingdom of Israel; the site is in present-day northwestern Jordan
08801099-n: an ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul; in 330 Constantine I rebuilt the city and called it Constantinople and made it his capital
08810051-n: a city in southeastern Sicily that was founded by Corinthians in the 8th century BC
08852843-n: a landlocked republic in central South America; Simon Bolivar founded Bolivia in 1825 after winning independence from Spain
08898187-n: the chief port of Egypt; located on the western edge of the Nile delta on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by Alexander the Great; the capital of ancient Egypt
08909719-n: capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century
08919949-n: an ancient city state on the north African coast near modern Tunis; founded by Phoenicians; destroyed and rebuilt by Romans; razed by Arabs in 697
08960099-n: the capital and chief port and largest city of Libya; in northwestern Libya on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC
08979590-n: a city in southern Peru founded in 1540 on the site of an ancient Inca city
09075496-n: a town in southeast Florida on the mainland opposite Palm Beach; founded as a commercial center for Palm Beach
09098721-n: a town in Massachusetts founded by Pilgrims in 1620
09162581-n: a port city in northeastern Venezuela on the Caribbean Sea; founded in 1523, it is the oldest European settlement in South America
09326844-n: an island off southern Alaska in the Gulf of Alaska; site of the first European settlement in the area which was founded by the Russians in 1784
09678581-n: a member of the Protestant church founded in the United States by Mary Baker Eddy
09679708-n: a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)
09814084-n: a member of a secret order of Muslims (founded in the 12th century) who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders
09910719-n: one of the original members when an organization was founded
09937903-n: someone who helps to found a colony
10107303-n: a person who founds or establishes some institution
10112434-n: a monk or nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict
10380499-n: a member of a society founded in Ireland in 1795 to uphold Protestantism and the British sovereign
10432674-n: one of the colonists from England who sailed to America on the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620
10602695-n: (Roman Catholic Church) a member of a lay sisterhood (one of several founded in the Netherlands in the 12th and 13th centuries); though not taking religious vows the sisters followed an austere life
10658676-n: a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno
10813813-n: an Ismaili caliph of Egypt who declared himself an incarnation of God and founded the Druze religious sect (985-1021)
10822962-n: Dutch Protestant theologian who founded Arminianism which opposed the absolute predestinarianism of John Calvin (1559-1609)
10826952-n: Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state (1881-1938)
10843858-n: Italian monk who founded the Benedictine order about 540 (480-547)
10844231-n: pope who founded the Vatican service for prisoners of war during World War I (1854-1922)
10854397-n: German mystic and theosophist who founded modern theosophy; influenced George Fox (1575-1624)
10855604-n: Venezuelan statesman who led the revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule; founded Bolivia in 1825 (1783-1830)
10868980-n: (Roman Catholic Church) a French cleric (born in Germany) who founded the Carthusian order in 1084 (1032-1101)
10883380-n: French physicist who founded thermodynamics (1796-1832)
10891271-n: King of France elected in 987 and founding the Capetian dynasty (940-996)
10903172-n: king of the Franks who unified Gaul and established his capital at Paris and founded the Frankish monarchy; his name was rendered as Gallic `Louis' (466-511)
10909471-n: United States industrialist who built the first American locomotive; founded Cooper Union in New York City to offer free courses in the arts and sciences (1791-1883)
10911288-n: United States businessman who unified the telegraph system in the United States and who in 1865 (with Andrew D. White) founded Cornell University (1807-1874)
10933266-n: United States librarian who founded the decimal system of classification (1851-1931)
10933449-n: Russian ballet impresario who founded the Russian ballet and later introduced it to the West (1872-1929)
10937126-n: United States film maker who pioneered animated cartoons and created such characters as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck; founded Disneyland (1901-1966)
10938363-n: (Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars (circa 1170-1221)
10952143-n: son of Ethelred the Unready; King of England from 1042 to 1066; he founded Westminster Abbey where he was eventually buried (1003-1066)
10966665-n: United States civil rights leader who in 1942 founded the Congress of Racial Equality (born in 1920)
10968058-n: German physicist who founded psychophysics; derived Fechner's law on the basis of early work by E. H. Weber (1801-1887)
10969799-n: French mathematician who founded number theory; contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665)
10976862-n: English religious leader who founded the Society of Friends (1624-1691)
10978098-n: (Roman Catholic Church) an Italian and the Roman Catholic monk who founded the Franciscan order of friars (1181-1226)
10982450-n: United States feminist who founded a national organization for women (born in 1921)
10983758-n: German educator who founded the kindergarten system (1782-1852)
11005571-n: United States film maker (born in Poland) who founded his own film company and later merged with Louis B. Mayer (1882-1974)
11008647-n: German politician in Nazi Germany who founded the Gestapo and mobilized Germany for war (1893-1946)
11046457-n: United States confectioner and philanthropist who created the model industrial town of Hershey, Pennsylvania; founded an industrial school for orphan boys (1857-1945)
11057679-n: Swiss composer (born in France) who was the founding member of a group in Paris that included Erik Satie and Darius Milhaud and Francis Poulenc and Jean Cocteau (1892-1955)
11059875-n: United States financier and philanthropist who left money to found the university and hospital that bear his name in Baltimore (1795-1873)
11061552-n: United States publisher who founded a printing shop that became an important book publisher (1823-1895)
11090884-n: United States labor leader (born in Ireland) who helped to found the Industrial Workers of the World (1830-1930)
11098707-n: English clergyman who (with John Henry Newman and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford movement (1792-1866)
11108195-n: Scottish theologian who founded Presbyterianism in Scotland and wrote a history of the Reformation in Scotland (1514-1572)
11116284-n: United States educator who founded the first private school for Black students in Augusta, Georgia (1854-1933)
11143163-n: United States physician who in 1863 founded a medical school for women (1813-1888)
11144860-n: French composer (born in Italy) who was the court composer to Louis XIV and founded the national French opera (1632-1687)
11147533-n: Austrian physicist and philosopher who introduced the Mach number and who founded logical positivism (1838-1916)
11153783-n: a Persian prophet who founded Manichaeism (216-276)
11166877-n: United States filmmaker (born in Russia) who founded his own film company and later merged with Samuel Goldwyn (1885-1957)
11174354-n: United States psychiatrist who with his sons founded a famous psychiatric clinic in Topeka (1862-1953)
11189054-n: United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920)
11191475-n: the ancient prophet whose writings were revealed to Joseph Smith who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
11199394-n: Indian religious leader who founded Sikhism in dissent from the caste system of Hinduism; he taught that all men had a right to search for knowledge of God and that spiritual liberation could be attained by meditating on the name of God (1469-1538)
11202322-n: Italian pope from 1447 to 1455 who founded the Vatican library (1397-1455)
11204962-n: English prelate and theologian who (with John Keble and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford movement; Newman later turned to Roman Catholicism and became a cardinal (1801-1890)
11217789-n: the conqueror of Turkey who founded the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman dynasty that ruled Turkey after the 13th century; conquered most of Asia Minor and assumed the title of emir in 1299 (1259-1326)
11219121-n: Welsh industrialist and social reformer who founded cooperative communities (1771-1858)
11227618-n: educator who founded the first kindergarten in the United States (1804-1894)
11228956-n: Englishman and Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania (1644-1718)
11229095-n: king of the Franks and father of Charlemagne who defended papal interests and founded the Carolingian dynasty in 751 (714-768)
11231433-n: czar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government; he extended his territories in the Baltic and founded St. Petersburg (1682-1725)
11233383-n: king of France who founded the Valois dynasty; his dispute with Edward III over his succession led to the Hundred Years' War (1293-1350)
11238726-n: Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541)
11247644-n: the king of Egypt who founded the Macedonian dynasty in Egypt; a close friend and general of Alexander the Great who took charge of Egypt after Alexander died (circa 367-285 BC)
11248997-n: English theologian who (with John Henry Newman and John Keble) founded the Oxford movement (1800-1882)
11252222-n: British colonial administrator who founded Singapore (1781-1826)
11256494-n: United States journalist who reported on the October Revolution from Petrograd in 1917; founded the Communist Labor Party in America in 1919; is buried in the Kremlin in Moscow (1887-1920)
11275772-n: United States religious leader who founded the sect that is now called Jehovah's Witnesses (1852-1916)
11290272-n: United States newspaper publisher who founded an important press association; half-brother of James Edmund Scripps (1854-1926)
11291575-n: Macedonian general who accompanied Alexander the Great into Asia; founded a line of kings who reigned in Asia Minor until 65 BC (358-281 BC)
11293470-n: Spanish missionary who founded Franciscan missions in California (1713-1784)
11302224-n: English electrical engineer who founded a company that introduced many innovative products (born in 1940)
11305402-n: English explorer who helped found the colony at Jamestown, Virginia; was said to have been saved by Pocahontas (1580-1631)
11305611-n: religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 (1805-1844)
11315760-n: United States piano maker (born in Germany) who founded a famous piano manufacturing firm in New York (1797-1871)
11374589-n: United States filmmaker who with his brothers founded the movie studio that produced the first talking picture (1881-1958)
11375677-n: United States educator who was born a slave but became educated and founded a college at Tuskegee in Alabama (1856-1915)
11383546-n: United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)
11389619-n: English clergyman and colonist who was expelled from Massachusetts for criticizing Puritanism; he founded Providence in 1636 and obtained a royal charter for Rhode Island in 1663 (1603-1683)
11399274-n: United States businessman (born in German) who founded a company to make pipe organs (1831-1914)
11400230-n: English prelate and statesman; founded a college at Oxford and Winchester College in Winchester; served as chancellor of England and bishop of Winchester (1324-1404)
11405684-n: ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school (circa 335-263 BC)
11407715-n: Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism (circa 628-551 BC)