Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Galego | English

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ili-30-15140405-n CILI: i116767
WordNet Domains: time_period
SUMO Ontology: TimeInterval+
Basic Level Concept: 15113229-n period
Epinonyms: [1] period
[1] period |1|
[0] ili-30-15140405-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.997 0 0.002 0

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- vida [ˈbiða̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
Viñera porque non podía pasar a súa vida sentindo que fora un covarde. [k02 (30)] SemCor Corpus
PT Variantes
- vida [vˈidɐ]
o período em que algo é funcional (como entre nascimento e morte)
CA Variantes
- vida
va escriure un llibre sobre la vida de Rosseau
Període de temps en el qual existeix un ésser viu o un ojecte com a tal
EU Variantes
- bizi
Espainian martxan dagoen zentral zaharrena da eta eraiki zenean 40 urteko bizia aurreikusi zitzaion
- bizitza
bizitza oso batean erabili gabeko jantziak atera, eta zabaltzen ziren haizetan
izaki bizidun baten jaiotzatik heriotzara doan denbora-bitartea
ES Variantes
- toda_la_vida
- vida
EN Variantes
- life ['ɫaɪf]
he lived a long and happy life
the battery had a short life
- life-time
- lifespan ['ɫaɪˌfspæn]
- lifetime ['ɫaɪˌftaɪm]
the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
DE Variantes
- Laufzeit
- Leben
- Lebensdauer
- Lebenserwartung
- Lebensspanne
- Lebenszeit
LA Variantes
- aetas
- anima
- caput
- lumen
- lux
- spiritus
- vita
IT Variantes
- vita
FR Variantes
- durée_de_vie
ZH_T Variantes
- 一生
- 人生
- 生平
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (15) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
15113229-n: an amount of time
15143864-n: life after death
15142167-n: the time when something begins (especially life)
15143477-n: the time when something ends
15144371-n: a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state
15145171-n: a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises
10261041-n: a prisoner serving a term of life imprisonment
07355491-n: the event of dying or departure from life
15142167-n: the time when something begins (especially life)
02397460-v: give life-time employment to
05915034-n: the fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Hijja; at least once in a lifetime a Muslim is expected to make a religious journey to Mecca and the Kaaba
13313188-n: a tax imposed on transfers of property by gift during the lifetime of the giver
13347947-n: insurance on the life of the insured for a fixed amount at a definite premium that is paid each year in the same amount during the entire lifetime of the insured
13362918-n: a trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime
13363365-n: a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime; afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary