Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Extracción terminolóxica

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Este synset non ten categoría gramatical nominal. Aconséllase iniciar a exploración desde un synset que represente un ámbito terminolóxico.
- 00233212-n vitiation | | nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null { [2] change_of_state }
- 01240979-n annulment, invalidation | | (law) a formal termination (of a relationship or a judicial proceeding etc)  { [1] jurisprudence }
- 00231567-n nullification, override | | the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something  { [1] change_of_state }
- 06185748-n nullification | | the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress  { [2] doctrine }
- 10214390-n invalidator, nullifier, voider | | an official who can invalidate or nullify { [2] skilled_worker }
- 10365984-n nullifier | | an advocate of nullification; someone who believes that a state can resist federal laws  { [1] advocate }
- 14455700-n nihility, nothingness, nullity, void | | the state of nonexistence  { [3] state }

1. Límite de distancia (nivel máximo de exploración de cada relación):

+ Configuración avanzada
4 synsets, 2 deles (50 %) con 4 variantes en galego
[0]  01760293-a  | eng:   rescindable, voidable  | glg:   { [3] change_of_state  [3] advocate }
[+1]   1   near_synonym   01760132-a  |  eng:  revocable, revokable  | glg: revogábel, revogable   { [3] jurisprudence } [+1]   2   related_to   00448440-v  |  eng:  invalidate, vitiate, void    { [2] jurisprudence } [+1]   3   related_to   02478059-v  |  eng:  annul, avoid, invalidate, nullify, quash, void  | glg: anular, invalidar   { [2] change_of_state  [2] advocate }

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Seminario de Lingüística Informática - Grupo TALG, Universidade de Vigo, 2019
Deseño e programación: Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Miguel Solla
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