adjective or pronoun
Nos casos en que another funciona coma adxectivo, o substantivo ao que acompaña debe aparecer en singular. |
EN Another said that he would buy Masses for the souls of his family for a thousand years.
GL Outro dixo que pagaría misas polas ánimas da súa familia durante mil anos.
Fonte: PER (701)
EN But before he had time to commit himself to this perilous mixture of gallantry and impiety, the young lady, resuming her walk, gave an exclamation in quite another tone.
GL Pero antes de darse comprometido a esta perigosa mestura de galantería e impiedade, a moza, reemprendendo o seu paseo, exclamou nun ton ben diferente.
Fonte: DAI (449)
EN Yet, as the resonance died, and she turned to the Fairy Tale again, Mrs Ramsay felt not only exhausted in body (afterwards, not at the time, she always felt this) but also there tinged her physical fatigue some faintly disagreeable sensation with another origin.
GL Sen embargo, cando a resonancia se esvaeu e ela volveu outra vez ó conto de fadas, a señora Ramsay sentiu non só o seu corpo esgotado (sempre sentía iso despois, non no momento) senón tamén que unha sensación vagamente desagradable e de orixe distinta tinguía a súa fatiga física.
Fonte: CAR (474)