transitive or intransitive verb
EN It was shadowy and dreadful, and yet it called to him and threatened him and challenged him.
GL E a noite era sombría e aterradora pero chamaba por el, e ameazábao e desafiábao.
Fonte: PER (959)
EN I called his name and it was lost in a confusion of echoes, in the rush and the roar of the underground river.
GL Gritei o seu nome e perdeuse nun caos de ecos, no balbordo do río subterráneo.
Fonte: TER (2384)
EN News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.
GL As novas semellan correr máis de présa do que os nenos poden saír precipitados a contalas, máis de présa do que as mulleres as poden vocear por riba dos valados.
Fonte: PER (342)
EN He called them privately after the Kings and Queens of England; Cam the Wicked, James the Ruthless, Andrew the Just, Prue the Fair -- for Prue would have beauty, he thought, how could she help it? -- and Andrew brains.
GL Alcumábaos para si guiándose polos reis e raíñas de Inglaterra; Cam a Pérfida, James o Cruel, Andrew o Xusto, Prue a Fermosa (pois pensou que Prue tiña unha gran beleza sen que o puidese evitar, e Andrew a intelixencia).
Fonte: CAR (228)
EN And then, filled with love for men, He went forth and called to men to hear the new gospel.
GL E entón, cheo de amor aos homes, deuse a coñecer convocando os homes para que oísen o evanxeo novo.
Fonte: RET (2423)
EN Before long, making a call to the other side of the planet will cost as much as it currently costs to call your neighbour.
GL Mañá, chamar dun extremo a outro do planeta non vai custar máis ca telefonar a un veciño.
Fonte: C13 (1044)
..... to call for
ir recoller
EN Alcee Arobin and Mrs. Highcamp called for her one bright afternoon in Arobin's drag.
GL Alcée Arobin e a señora Highcamp foron recollela, unha tarde luminosa, na carruaxe de Arobin.
Fonte: ESP (2037)
EN In this second question you call for my opinion upon the 11th chapter of Mr. Coleridge's Biographia Literaria, as applied to the circumstances in which you yourself are placed.
GL Nesta segunda pregunta pídeme a miña opinión sobre o undécimo capítulo da Biographia Literaria do Sr Coleridge, aplicada ás circunstancias nas que se sitúa vostede.
Fonte: LET (27)
..... to call on
EN I mean when I'm calling on a girl --or someone.
GL Quero dicir, cando vou visitar unha rapaza ou alguén.
Fonte: TER (1079)
..... to call upon
EN If, however, he determined to wait a little before reminding Miss Miller of his claims to her consideration, he went very soon to call upon two or three other friends.
GL Sen embargo, aínda que decidira esperar un anaco antes de lembrarlle a Miss Miller que tomase en consideración as súas proposicións, foi visitar dous ou tres outros amigos.
Fonte: DAI (722)
..... to call out
EN A woman was sitting on the edge with a child on her knees, and she called out to him to mind what the red-haired woman had told him, and he remembered she had said, Bleed the cow.
GL Unha muller sentada na beira cun neno nos xeonllos berroulle que fixese caso das palabras da muller rubia, lembrándolle que lle dixera: "Sangra a vaca".
Fonte: CEL (111)
EN He knew he was at last answering the call, running by the side of his wood brother towards the place from where the call surely came.
GL Sabía que agora estaba contestando á chamada misteriosa, correndo a par do seu irmán salvaxe cara ó lugar de onde a chamada procedía.
Fonte: CHA (1496)
EN No doubt you have many other calls of a similar character to make in the neighbourhood.
GL Non hai dúbida de que terá que facer outras visitas de similar carácter no vecindario.
Fonte: ERN (1456)