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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- certify, certitude, cessation, cesspit, cesspool, CFC, Chad, chador, chadri, chaff, chaffering, chagrin, chain, chair, chairman, chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chalice


- noun
- palla

EN Women attend to the stalks of rice they have scattered over the road so the occasional passage of a vehicle can help separate the grain from the chaff.
GL As mulleres aventan e tiran as espigas de arroz á estrada para que, ó pasar, os escasos coches que collen ese camino separen a palla do grao.
- Fonte: C30 (601)

- transitive verb
- amolar

EN She looked at him whenever he spoke; she was perpetually telling him to do this and to do that; she was constantly 'chaffing' and abusing him.
GL Mirábao sempre que falaba; estaba perpetuamente mandándolle facer isto e o outro; estaba constantemente "amolándoo" e aproveitándose de el.
- Fonte: DAI (1179)
- mofarse

EN The fact that she "knew" --knew and yet neither chaffed him nor betrayed him-- had in a short time begun to constitute between them a goodly bond, which became more marked when, within the year that followed their afternoon at Weatherend, the opportunities for meeting multiplied.
GL O feito de que ela o "soubese" --de que o soubese e non por iso se mofase del nin o traizoase-- comezara ó pouco tempo a constituír entre eles un vínculo notable, que se consolidou cando, antes de transcorrer un ano dende aquela tarde en Weatherend, as oportunidades de vérense foron multiplicadas.
- Fonte: BES (211)