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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- criminality, criminally, criminologist, criminology, crimp, crimson, cringe, crinkle, crinoline, cripple, crisis, crisp, crisply, criterion, critic, critical, critically, criticism, criticize


- transitive verb
- eivar

EN On the next day Koona went, and but five of them remained: Joe, too far gone to be malignant; Pike, crippled and limping, only half conscious and not conscious enough longer to malinger; Sol-leks, the one-eyed, still faithful to the toil of trace and trail, and mournful in that he had so little strength with which to pull; Teek, who had not travelled so far that winter and who was now beaten more than the others because he was fresher; and Buck, still at the head of the team, but no longer enforcing discipline or striving to enforce it, blind with weakness and keeping the trail by the loom of it and by the dim feel of his feet.
GL Ó día seguinte caeu Koona. Aínda quedaban cinco cans: Joe, feble de máis para mostra-lo seu temperamento feroz; Pike, eivado e coxo, aínda consciente pero non o bastante para poder finxir; Sol-leks, o chosco, sempre fiel á paixón do camiño, irritado polas poucas forzas que lle quedaban para tirar; Teek, que non viaxara moito ese inverno e que recibía os maiores castigos, e Buck, sempre á cabeza do grupo pero sen se esforzar por impoñer disciplina; cego como estaba pola debilidade, mantíñase no camiño guiándose polos reflexos do chan ou polo confuso tacto dos pés.
- Fonte: CHA (1059)