EN There were silver and gold, as she had said there would be, and crystal which glittered like the gems which the women wore.
GL Había prata e ouro, tal e como ela dixera, e o cristal lampexaba coma as xoias que levaban as mulleres.
Fonte: ESP (2454)
EN At the white little town of Sanjenjo one arrives at the very edge of the ría, indescribably beautiful in its light blues and greys, delicate outlines of mountains, dark pines and calm crystal water.
GL Na viliña de Sanxenxo chégase á estrema da ría, indescriptiblemente fermosa polos seus azuis claros e grises, as liñas delicadas das montañas, os piñeiros escuros e as augas mainas e cristalinas.
Fonte: GAL (873)