transitive verb
PAST: gainsaid. PART: gainsaid |
EN He spoke with an earnestness that it was hard to gainsay.
GL Falaba cunha sinceridade difícil de refutar.
Fonte: ASA (5181)
EN He was foremost at all races and cock-fights; and, with the ascendency which bodily strength acquires in rustic life, was the umpire in all disputes, setting his hat on one side, and giving his decisions with an air and tone admitting of no gainsay or appeal.
GL Sempre gañaba tódalas carreiras e as pelexas de galos e, co dominio que supón a forza física na vida rural, era o xuíz de tódalas disputas, nas que poñía o sombreiro a un lado e expresaba as súas decisións cun aire e un ton que non admitían nin desacordo nin réplica ningunha.
Fonte: LEN (109)