transitive verb
EN He would let her be, and he passed her without a word, though it hurt him that she should look so distant, and he could not reach her, he could do nothing to help her.
GL Había que deixala en paz, e pasou ó seu lado sen lle dicir nada, aínda que o amolaba que semellase tan distante, e non poderse achegar, non poder facer nada para axudala.
Fonte: CAR (891)
EN I couldn't help loving you if you were ten times his wife; but so long as I went away from you and kept away I could help telling you so.
GL Non podía evitar amarte anque foses dez veces a súa esposa, pero mentres me arredase e me mantivese lonxe podía evitar dicircho.
Fonte: ESP (3040)
EN Some children and their mothers even began keeping diaries which, says project coordinator Adriana Briozzo of the Uruguayan Institute of Popular Education, helps "to boost the self-confidence of the children and their mothers and to channel the aggressivity of the mothers".
GL Ademais algúns nenos e nais empezaron a escribir diarios persoais, o que serviu para "reforza-la autoestima dos nenos e canaliza-la agresividade das nais", segundo Adriana Briozzo, coordinadora do proxecto do Instituto de Educación Popular El Abrojo.
Fonte: C04 (1008)
EN You do not believe we could have achieved these prodigious results without His special help and guidance, do you?
GL Non crerás que sen a Súa axuda e orientación excepcional poderiamos ter logrado estes prodixiosos resultados, ¿non si?
Fonte: LEG (268)
EN Guzzle him now, Towser! --Help!
GL ¡Fai que beba agora, Towser! --¡Socorro!
Fonte: RET (3321)