intransitive verb
EN While Roger mimed the terror of the pig, the littluns ran and jumped on the outside of the circle.
GL Mentres Roger arremedaba o terror do porco, os rapaces corrían e saltaban no exterior do círculo.
Fonte: SEN (4572)
EN Sleek slimy coats, little little feet tucked up to jump, black slimy eyes to look out of.
GL Peles lustrosas e viscosas, pés moi, moi pequeniños encollidos para choutar, ollos negros e pegañentos cos que mirar.
Fonte: RET (422)
EN He was the one that finally picked up that boy that jumped out the window I told you about, James Castle.
GL Fora el o que, ó final, recollera ó rapaz que se chimpara pola fiestra, o James Castle.
Fonte: VIX (5704)
EN The little flare of the twig fire made the design on his sleeping mat jump before his entranced eyes.
GL E as pequenas lapas do lume de garabullos facían brincar ante os seus ollos perdidos o debuxo da súa esteira.
Fonte: PER (952)
EN You see, he was always apt to jump before he looked.
GL ¿Sabe?, el sempre estaba disposto a lanzarse sen mirar.
Fonte: TER (1611)