EN Just because somebody's dead, you don't just stop liking them, for God's sake --especially if they were about a thousand times nicer than the people you know that're alive and all.
GL Non che deixa de gustar alguén só porque estea morto, polo amor de Deus. E máis se era mil veces mellor cá xente que coñeces e que está viva.
Fonte: VIX (5612)
EN He lifted his gun and fired, just as he had fired at the same command all those years ago on Brinkworth Common, fired, as he did then, inaccurately.
GL Apuntou e disparou, xusto como o fixera anos atrás, en Brickworth Common, cando recibira aquela mesma orde: como entón, disparou sen dar ben no branco.
Fonte: TER (2378)
EN Just say that I will be pleased to see them.
GL Dilles soamente que terei moito pracer en velos.
Fonte: PER (831)
EN Heron did not trouble himself about an introduction but said instead: -- I was just telling my friend Wallis what a lark it would be tonight if you took off the rector in the part of the schoolmaster.
GL Heron non se molestou en presentalo, senón que no canto disto dixo: -- Precisamente estaba dicíndolle ao meu amigo Wallis que gracioso sería se esta noite, ao facer de mestre, imitases o rector.
Fonte: RET (1602)
EN The praise made Sally poignantly happy, but he was fair and just enough to say it was rightfully due to Aleck rather than to himself, since but for her he should never have had the money.
GL O eloxio satisfixo a Sally fondamente; mais era honrado e xusto de abondo para dicir que en realidade, máis que a si mesmo, aquilo debíase a Aleck xa que se non fose por ela el posiblemente nunca había conseguir aqueles cartos.
Fonte: LEG (160)