EN Almost as white as wax, with the marks and signs in her face as numerous and as fine as if they had been etched by a needle, with soft white draperies relieved by a faded green scarf on the delicate tone of which the years had further refined, she was the picture of a serene and exquisite but impenetrable sphinx, whose head, or indeed all whose person, might have been powdered with silver.
GL Case tan branca coma a cera, coas marcas e e as liñas na cara tan finas e numerosas coma se fosen gravadas cunha agulla, coa suave e branca vestimenta atenuada por un descolorido pano verde, dun delicado ton que se consagrara cos anos, era a imaxe dunha esfinxe serena, exquisita, pero impenetrable, coa cabeza, ou mesmo con todo o corpo, empoeirado de prata.
Fonte: BES (476)
EN Round the castles was a complex of marks, tracks, walls, railway lines, that were of significance only if inspected with the eye at beach-level.
GL Ó redor dos castelos artellaran un sistema de sinais, carreiros, paredes, liñas de ferrocarril que adquirían a súa importancia só se se observaban coa cabeza a rentes da area.
Fonte: SEN (1610)
EN But there was all the difference in the world between this planning airily away from the canvas, and actually taking her brush and making the first mark.
GL Pero había unha gran distancia entre todos estes proxectos feitos sen parar mentes, lonxe do lenzo, e coller agora o pincel e da-la primeira pincelada.
Fonte: CAR (2438)
EN Of all that only a few random marks scrawled upon the canvas remained.
GL De todo iso soamente permanecían uns cantos trazos postos ó chou no seu lenzo.
Fonte: CAR (606)
EN I found a groove ripped in it, about midway between the pedestal of the sphinx and the marks of my feet where, on arrival, I had struggled with the overturned machine.
GL Atopei unha rodeira nel, a medio camiño entre o pedestal da esfinxe e as pegadas dos meus pés onde, ó chegar, tivera que turrar da máquina envorcada.
Fonte: TEM (824)
EN His report card summed it all up --playing hookey, bad marks and lack of concentration.
GL O boletín do primeiro trimestre revelou estas manobras: ausencias, malas notas, falta total de asiduidade.
Fonte: C14 (259)
transitive verb
EN The distance had been measured off, and as he neared the pile of firewood which marked the end of the hundred yards, a cheer began to grow and grow, which burst into a roar as he passed the firewood and halted at command.
GL A distancia xa fora marcada previamente e, conforme o can se aproximaba á morea de leña que sinalaba o fin dos cen metros, unha ovación foi medrando ata se convertir nun clamor cando Buck pasou a meta e se detivo ó escoita-la orde de parar.
Fonte: CHA (1398)
EN An island of rock marks its entrance and a broad bay, and it then narrows through rocks and broadens out a little at Vivero --which is surrounded by mountains and pines at the mouth of the river Landrove.
GL Unha illa marca a entrada a unha ría moi ancha que se estreita despois entre rochas e que se volve ensanchar de novo en Viveiro, vila rodeada de montañas cubertas de piñeiros no esteiro do río Landrove.
Fonte: GAL (512)
EN While most academics loathe marking assignments, they regard this scenario with horror, and blame commercialization for the demise of the "community of scholars" concept of a university.
GL Aínda que ás máis das universidades non lles gusta corrixir exames ou traballos dos seus alumnos, condenan o sistema mercantil acusándoo de mata-la idea da universidade como comunidade de investigadores.
Fonte: C27 (399)