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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- merely, merge, merger, merging, meridian, merit, meritorious, merrily, merriment, merry, merry-go-round, merrymaking, mesh, Mesopotamia, mess, message, messenger, Messiah, messianic


- adjective
- feliz

EN We shall sing and laugh and be merry for once.
GL Cantaremos, riremos e seremos felices por unha vez.
- Fonte: ESP (2258)
- alegre

EN They were faeries, and had stolen her as a wife for the chief of their band. To him they seemed only a company of merry mortals.
GL Eran trasgos, e raptárana para ser a muller do xefe da súa banda. A el parecéronlle tan só un grupo de alegres mortais.
- Fonte: CEL (78)
- ledo

EN And it was in this guise that he inspired in William Bankes (intermittently) and in Charles Tansley (obsequiously) and in his wife now, when she looked up and saw him standing at the edge of the lawn, profound reverence, and pity, and gratitude too, as a stake driven into the bed of a channel upon which the gulls perch and the waves beat inspires in merry boat-loads a feeling of gratitude for the duty it has taken upon itself of marking the channel out there in the floods alone.
GL E era deste xeito que inspiraba en William Bankes (con intermitencias), en Charles Tansley (cun pulo agasalleiro) e agora na súa muller, cando ergueu a vista e o viu alí parado no lindeiro do prado, un fondo respecto, e compaixón, e tamén gratitude, do mesmo xeito ca un poste chantado no leito dun canal, no que van pousa-las gaivotas e onde baten as ondas, inspira ós ledos tripulantes dun barco un sentimento de gratitude pola función que asume de sinala-lo canal no medio da auga, solitario.
- Fonte: CAR (545)