intransitive verb
EN Here he would sometimes seat himself at the foot of a tree, and share the contents of his wallet with Wolf, with whom he sympathized as a fellow-sufferer in persecution.
GL Alí sentaba ás veces ó pé dunha árbore e compartía o contido do seu zurrón con Lobo, de quen se compadecía coma o compañeiro de fatigas que era nos tormentos que sufrían.
Fonte: RIP (58)
EN The children in the towns are innumerable and are very vigorous and healthy, so noisy and uncontrollable in fact that one begins to sympathize with the prophet in his vindictive invocation of the bears.
GL Os cativos nas cidades son innumerables, moi vigorosos e cheos de saúde, tan barulleiros e incontrolables de feito, que un pode comezar a simpatizar co profeta na súa vingativa diatriba en contra dos nacementos.
Fonte: GAL (274)