EN The priest's face was in total shadow, but the waning daylight from behind him touched the deeply grooved temples and the curves of the skull.
GL A face deste estaba totalmente na sombra, pero a luz pálida chegaba por detrás ata luírlle as tempas, ben afundidas, e as formas do cranio.
Fonte: RET (3098)
EN There were a few freckles on her face, and a small, dark mole near the under lip and one on the temple, half-hidden in her hair.
GL Tiña algunhas pencas na cara, unha pequena pinta escura preto do beizo inferior e outra na sen, media acochada polo pelo.
Fonte: ESP (1491)
EN He was simply now one of them himself --he was in the dust, without a peg for the sense of difference; and there were hours when, before the temples of gods and the sepulchres of kings, his spirit turned for nobleness of association to the barely discriminated slab in the London suburb.
GL El mesmo era agora simplemente unha delas; atopábase humillado, sen motivo para sentirse diferente; e había momentos en que, perante os templos dos deuses e os sepulcros dos reis, o seu espírito se volvía, por mor dunha nobre asociación, cara á lousa a penas salientada no suburbio londiniense.
Fonte: BES (806)