noun or adjective
EN But he still doesn't get his memory back, even when his Great Dane jumps all over him and his mother sticks her fingers all over his face and brings him this teddy bear he used to slobber around with when he was a kid.
GL Pero aínda non recupera a memoria, nin sequera cando aquel Gran Danés se lle bota enriba, nin cando a nai lle pasa as mans pola cara e lle trae un osiño co que xogaba cando neno.
Fonte: VIX (4472)
EN A moment before the ghost of the ancient kingdom of the Danes had looked forth through the vesture of the hazewrapped city.
GL Un momento antes, a pantasma do vello reino dos dinamarqueses aparecéraselle a través da vestimenta da cidade, enguedellada na néboa.
Fonte: RET (3339)