EN You know when a girl's really a terrific dancer?
GL ¿Sabes cando unha moza é boa bailarina?
Fonte: VIX (2365)
EN The mirth, which in the beginning of the evening had seemed to him false and trivial, was like a soothing air to him, passing gaily by his senses, hiding from other eyes the feverish agitation of his blood while through the circling of the dancers and amid the music and laughter her glance travelled to his corner, flattering, taunting, searching, exciting his heart.
GL Esa ledicia, que ao principio da noitiña lle semellara tan falsa e trivial, agora era como un aire acariciador que pasase alegremente polos seus sentidos e agachase dos demais ollos a febril axitación do seu sangue, mentres, a través do circo dos danzaríns e no medio da música e das risadas, a ollada dela viaxaba cara ao seu curruncho afagando, provocando, procurando, excitando o seu corazón.
Fonte: RET (1475)