EN The custodian interpreted the bargain generously --Winterbourne, on his side, had been generous-- and ended by leaving them quite to themselves.
GL O vixiante interpretou o acordo xenerosamente --Winterbourne, pola súa banda, amosárase tamén xeneroso-- e rematou deixándoos sós.
Fonte: DAI (644)
EN You were not to be found, and I was fearful of losing a bargain.
GL Non o atopei por ningures, e tiña medo de estar desprezando unha ganga.
Fonte: CAS (25)
EN Critics called it a bargain with the devil.
GL Moita xente pensou que ese contrato equivalía a un pauto co demo.
Fonte: C09 (847)
intransitive verb
EN The first involves setting up a market where the rich countries will bargain with each other to buy and sell emission permits.
GL O primeiro consiste na creación dun mercado no que os países ricos negociarán entre si a compra e a venda de permisos de emisión.
Fonte: C23 (867)
..... to bargain for
contar con
EN Giovanelli, of course, had counted upon something more intimate; he had not bargained for a party of three.
GL Giovanelli, naturalmente, esperaba algo máis íntimo. Non contara cun grupo de tres.
Fonte: DAI (928)