EN She set her clean canvas firmly upon the easel, as a barrier, frail, but she hoped sufficiently substantial to ward off Mr Ramsay and his exactingness.
GL Asentou o lenzo branco no cabalete, coma se fose unha barreira, fráxil pero confiaba que firme dabondo como para arredar ó señor Ramsay e as súas esixencias.
Fonte: CAR (2280)
EN At this moment the sun reached the meridian; the magic spell resumed its power; the Arabian steed scoured across the plain, leaped the barrier, plunged into the Tagus, swam its raging current, bore the prince breathless and amazed to the cavern, and resumed his station, like a statue, beside the iron table.
GL Neste momento, o sol acadaba o mediodía; o máxico esconxuro recobrou o seu poder. O corcel árabe cruzou a chaira, brincou por riba do valado, mergullou no Texo, nadando contra a súa corrente enrabecida, e levou o príncipe estantío e sen folgos ata a furna, e alí retomou o seu posto de estatua a carón da mesa de ferro.
Fonte: ALH (710)
EN When the hall was thrown in the air, he struck it coming down, and so again and again,--never letting the ball touch the ground till he had driven it through the barrier.
GL Cando lanzaban a pelota ó aire, el golpeábaa unha e outra vez mentres baixaba, de xeito que nunca deixaba que a pelota tocase no chan ata atravesa-los postes.
Fonte: BIR (34)