intransitive verb
EN I must have sat there stunned and blinking at the note as much as a minute before I came rightly to myself again.
GL Debín sentar alí, atordado e pestanexando, diante do billete durante un minuto enteiro antes de ser quen de volver no meu acordo.
Fonte: BIL (44)
EN His next acquaintance was an owl, a mighty wise looking bird, with a huge head and staring eyes, who sat blinking and goggling all day in a hole in the wall, but roamed forth at night.
GL Logo entrou en relación cunha curuxa, un paxaro enorme de fasquía impoñente e sabichona, cunha cabeza desconforme e os ollos fixos e regalados, que botaba o día enteiro a chiscar e a esguella-los ollos nun burato da parede, mais á noite ruaba por aí adiante.
Fonte: ALH (377)
EN But then the patches blinked more rapidly, dulled and went out, so that he saw that a great heaviness of smoke lay between the island and the sun.
GL Pero, despois, as manchas de sol lampexaron máis rapidamente, fóronse apagando e por fin desapareceron; Ralph decatouse de que había unha gran columna de fume entre a illa e o sol.
Fonte: SEN (6084)
EN He blinked as though the snow hurt his eyes.
GL Palpebrexou coma se a neve lle ferise os ollos.
Fonte: ASA (4182)
..... as the blink of an eye
nun abrir e pechar de ollos
EN In geological terms, that is as fast as the blink of an eye.
GL É dicir, nun abrir e pechar de ollos a escala xeolóxica.
Fonte: C32 (797)