EN She was bare-headed; but she balanced in her hand a large parasol, with a deep border of embroidery; and she was strikingly, admirably pretty.
GL Ía coa cabeza descuberta pero na man equilibraba un parasol enorme cun ancho reberete bordado. E era abraiantemente, admirablemente bonita.
Fonte: DAI (70)
EN The British and American line had run near it during the war; it had, therefore, been the scene of marauding, and infested with refugees, cow-boys, and all kinds of border chivalry.
GL As liñas británicas e estadounidenses pasaran moi preto de alí durante a Guerra da Independencia, polo que houbera moitos saqueos e estivera infestada de refuxiados, partisanos e todo tipo de cabaleiros da fronteira.
Fonte: LEN (204)
EN "O wise son of Abu Ayub," cried Aben Habuz, "better were such a talisman, than all the watchtowers on the hills, and sentinels upon the borders".
GL --Oh sabio fillo de Abu Aiub! --berrou Aben Habuz--. Mellor fose semellante talismán ca tódalas atalaias nos outeiros e as sentinelas nos confíns.
Fonte: ALH (123)
EN To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half-dug trench --the signet of their impiety.
GL Aínda hoxe se ve na beira do lago un foxo a medio escavar: o selo da súa impiedade.
Fonte: CEL (73)
transitive verb
EN A broad white granite path is bordered with low, rough walls of stone, green with moss, below which flower quantities of pale purple crocuses or tufts of bell heather.
GL Unha corredoira vai bordeada por toscas paredes baixas de pedra, verdes polo brión, ó pé das cales florecen grandes cantidades de azafrán púrpura pálido ou matos de breixos.
Fonte: GAL (1136)
EN The walk to the beach was no inconsiderable one, consisting as it did of a long, sandy path, upon which a sporadic and tangled growth that bordered it on either side made frequent and unexpected inroads.
GL O paseo ata a praia non era insignificante, tendo en conta o longo camiño de area, no que a esporádica e enmarañada maleza que o franqueaba, facía inesperadas e frecuentes incursións no camiño.
Fonte: ESP (329)
EN A gentle slope descends from it to a silver sheet of water, bordered by high trees, between which, peeps may be caught at the blue hills of the Hudson.
GL O montículo ten unha suave inclinación que descende ata un estanque de auga prateada, rodeado de grandes árbores, entre as que se poden enxerga-los outeiros azuis do Hudson.
Fonte: LEN (222)
EN For a long distance the road had been bordered by fields on both sides, but now on the left there was a forest of oaks, madronos, and gigantic spruces whose lower parts only could be seen, dim and ghostly in the fog.
GL Durante un longo tramo o camiño estivera abeirado por campos, pero agora, á esquerda, distinguíase unha fraga de carballos, erbedeiros e piñeiros xigantes dos que só se podían ver as pólas máis baixas, borrosas e espectrais na néboa.
Fonte: HAL (189)