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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- Bosphorus, boss, botanic, botanical, botanist, botany, both, bother, bottle, bottom, bottomless, boudoir, bough, bouillon, boulder, bounce, bound, boundary, boundless


- noun
- fondo

EN "I have a letter somewhere," looking in the machine drawer and finding the letter in the bottom of the workbasket.
GL --Teño unha carta súa por aí --dixo, mentres miraba no caixón da máquina e a atopaba no fondo do costureiro--.
- Fonte: ESP (548)
- fin

EN Paine heard it from the bottom of the stairs and came back.
GL Paine escoitouno desde a fin da escaleira e regresou.
- Fonte: TER (1428)
- final

EN It was small; it was closely printed; on the fly-leaf, she knew, he had written that he had spent fifteen francs on dinner; the wine had been so much; he had given so much to the waiter; all was added up neatly at the bottom of the page.
GL Era pequeno; de letra miúda; nas gardas, ben o sabía, el escribira que gastara quince francos na cea; o viño custara tanto; déralle tanto ó camareiro; todo estaba sumado con esmero ó final da páxina.
- Fonte: CAR (3026)
- parte inferior

EN You're a roundish little thing with a hole in the top and you pour food in and it comes out a hole in the bottom and you roll around a little during the day, but topologically speaking you're just a doughnut.
GL Vostede é unha cousiña redonda cun burato na parte superior. Verte nel os alimentos que saen polo burato na parte inferior. Durante o día móvese dun lado para outro, pero no fondo vostede é como unha chula.
- Fonte: C01 (1167)

EN A responsible website should have a privacy policy at the bottom of the home page.
GL Un sitio responsable debería consigna-las súas regras en materia de confidencialidade ó da súa páxina de acollida.
- Fonte: C08 (1240)
.....--- from the bottom to the top
- de abaixo para arriba

EN Then he read the flyleaf from the bottom to the top till he came to his own name.
GL Despois leu a guarda de abaixo para arriba ata que chegou ao seu propio nome.
- Fonte: RET (234)
.....--- at the bottom of
- detrás de

EN The neighbors looked upon him with a mixture of awe, admiration, and good will; and when any madcap prank, or rustic brawl, occurred in the vicinity, always shook their heads, and warranted Brom Bones was at the bottom of it.
GL Os veciños observábano cunha mestura de temor, admiración e boa vontade e, sempre que se producía algunha trasnada repentina ou algunha pelexa na aldea, meneaban a cabeza e daban por feito que Brom Bones estaba detrás de todo.
- Fonte: LEN (114)
- no nivel máis baixo de

EN Secondly, they rate the system's players right at the bottom of the league table of what they respect in society.
GL De seguido, sitúa os actores deste sistema no nivel máis baixo do prestixio social.
- Fonte: C31 (1497)

- adjective
- último

EN My daughter always says: "When Momma's got a hunch, you can bet your bottom dollar it's O.K".
GL A miña filla sempre di: "cando mamá ten un presentimento, podes apostar ata o último dólar a que leva razón".
- Fonte: ASA (2323)
- inferior

EN The bottom part of the trickle, as though conscious of their gaze, thickened to a creamy blur which crept up the feeble column.
GL A parte inferior da columna, coma se tivese consciencia da súa mirada, espesou para facerse unha mancha de cor crema que gabeaba pola feble columna.
- Fonte: SEN (1477)
.....--- the bottom line
- o fundamental

EN The bottom line is that different perspectives must be mentioned, otherwise you're likely to get a biased presentation of history.
GL O fundamental para presentar unha visión obxectiva da Historia é ofrecer diferentes perspectivas.
- Fonte: C25 (757)