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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- box, boxer, boxing, boy, boycott, boyfriend, boyhood, boyish, bozo, brace, bracelet, bracken, brackish, brag, Brahman, Brahmin, braid, braille, brain


- intransitive verb
- reforzar

EN They were high and graceful canoes with curving bow and stem and a braced section midships where a mast could be stepped to carry a small lateen sail.
GL Eran canoas esguías e graciosas coa proa e a popa curvadas e reforzadas na metade da quilla, onde se podía coloca-lo mastro que levaba una pequena vela latina.
- Fonte: PER (223)
- fortalecer

EN The murky, lowering sky, which had depressed her a few hours before, seemed bracing and invigorating as she splashed through the streets on her way home.
GL O ceo sombrío e encapotado que a deprimira poucas horas antes parecía fortalecela e vigorizala mentres, de volta á casa, chapuzaba polas rúas.
- Fonte: ESP (2318)
.....--- brace up
- recobrar o ánimo

EN He gripped my hand hard, and braced up, and was all right and lively after that for the dinner --which didn't come off.
GL Apertoume a man con forza e recobrou o ánimo e, despois, repúxose de todo e animouse para a cea, a cal non se levou a cabo.
- Fonte: BIL (279)
- prepararse

EN Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack.
GL Por iso, Sally resolveu prepararse e expoñerse a un ataque frontal.
- Fonte: LEG (235)

- noun
- par

EN One man had a small searchlight about half as big again as a car headlight strapped to his breast, and another man carried a brace of Roman candles.
GL Un home portaba unha lámpada, do tamaño da metade dun faro de coche, atada con cinchos ao peito; outro sostiña un par de bengalas.
- Fonte: TER (2273)