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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- brandy, brash, brasier, Brasilia, brass, brassière, brassy, brat, bravado, brave, bravely, bravery, bravo, brawl, brawling, brawn, brawny, brazen, brazier


- adjective
- valente

EN It was the height of the reign of terror, when this dreadful instrument of death stood ever ready, and its scaffold was continually running with the blood of the virtuous and the brave.
GL O reino do terror estaba no seu momento máis crítico, no que aquela espantosa máquina mortal estaba sempre lista para que polo seu patíbulo correse o sangue continuamente, tanto de valentes coma de honrados.
- Fonte: EXP (31)
- ousado

EN It was a disguise; it was the refuge of a man afraid to own his own feelings, who could not say, This is what I like -- this is what I am; and rather pitiable and distasteful to William Bankes and Lily Briscoe, who wondered why such concealments should be necessary; why he needed always praise; why so brave a man in thought should be so timid in life; how strangely he was venerable and laughable at one and the same time.
GL Era un disfrace; o refuxio dun home temeroso dos seus propios sentimentos, que non se atrevía a dicir: isto é o que me gusta, isto é o que eu son; e máis ben desagradable e digno de compaixón para William Bankes e Lily Briscoe, que se preguntaban por que necesitaba tanto disimulo; por que sempre necesitaba louvanzas; por que un home tan ousado no pensamento era tan tímido na vida; de que xeito tan estraño era asemade respectable e ridículo.
- Fonte: CAR (551)
- afouto

EN Piggy hung about near for all his brave words, and the three bigger boys went together to the next shelter.
GL O Piggy, malia as súas afoutas palabras, seguíaos sen afastarse; os tres rapaces máis vellos foron xuntos ó refuxio contiguo.
- Fonte: SEN (2761)
- rexo

EN She held Coyotito in her arms and sang the song to him, to keep the evil out, and her voice was brave against the threat of the dark music.
GL Tiña a Coyotito no colo e cantáballe a canción para el, para gardalo do mal e a súa voz soaba rexa contra a ameaza da escura música.
- Fonte: PER (955)
- bravo

EN They are afraid of this Ghost Dog, for it has cunning greater than they, stealing from their camps in fierce winters, robbing their traps, slaying their dogs, and defying their bravest hunters.
GL Teñen pánico dese Can Pantasma máis astuto ca eles mesmos, que asalta os campamentos nos invernos máis duros, rouba as trampas, mata ós cans e desafía ós máis bravos cazadores.
- Fonte: CHA (1678)
- valoroso

EN Placed in military camps for training, they are called "Ye Nyunt Lunge," or "Brave Sprout Youth".
GL Instalados en campos de adestramento, onde se lles dá o nome de "Ye Nyunt Lunge", ou "Novos gromos valorosos".
- Fonte: C05 (905)

- transitive verb
- desafiar

EN She went up in the mornings to Madame Lebrun's room, braving the clatter of the old sewing-machine.
GL Polas mañás subía ó cuarto de Madame Lebrun desafiando o tracatá da vella máquina de coser.
- Fonte: ESP (1258)
- aguantar

EN I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window behind me was raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: "Step in here, please".
GL Estaba empezando a desesperarme tanto que podería aguanta-la vergoña e collela, cando detrás de min se ergueu unha fiestra e un cabaleiro me falou dende ela desta maneira: Entre vostede aquí, por favor.
- Fonte: BIL (15)