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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- brasier, Brasilia, brass, brassière, brassy, brat, bravado, brave, bravely, bravery, bravo, brawl, brawling, brawn, brawny, brazen, brazier, Brazil, Brazilian


- noun
- valor

EN So the apparently timid, quiet Galician can become formidable when roused; Wellington praised the bravery and discipline of the Galician soldiers, and the Civil Guard has had reason to quail ere now before the fury of women.
GL Polo tanto o aparentemente tímido e tranquilo galego é quen de converterse nun ser formidable cando o aguilloan. Wellington gabou o valor e a disciplina dos soldados e a Garda Civil sempre tivo razóns para teme-la furia das mulleres.
- Fonte: GAL (84)
- valentía

EN Billee, terrified into bravery, sprang through the savage circle and fled away over the ice.
GL Billee, coa valentía que dá o pánico, furou a dentadas o círculo de atacantes e fuxiu sobre o campo xelado.
- Fonte: CHA (427)
- coraxe

EN Phila Ndwandwe's remains were dug up and reburied at a huge public funeral, where her nine-year-old son received a medal for exceptional bravery on behalf of his dead mother.
GL Os restos mortais de Phila Ndwandwe foron exhumados e logo sepultados nunha cerimonia nacional na que o seu fillo de nove anos recibiu en nome da nai unha condecoración pola súa coraxe excepcional.
- Fonte: C23 (268)