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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- brass, brassière, brassy, brat, bravado, brave, bravely, bravery, bravo, brawl, brawling, brawn, brawny, brazen, brazier, Brazil, Brazilian, breach, bread


- noun
- pelexa

EN The neighbors looked upon him with a mixture of awe, admiration, and good will; and when any madcap prank, or rustic brawl, occurred in the vicinity, always shook their heads, and warranted Brom Bones was at the bottom of it.
GL Os veciños observábano cunha mestura de temor, admiración e boa vontade e, sempre que se producía algunha trasnada repentina ou algunha pelexa na aldea, meneaban a cabeza e daban por feito que Brom Bones estaba detrás de todo.
- Fonte: LEN (114)
- enfrontamento

EN The discussion started with the fall of the west (that is why this train of "well-being" is rolling east), then shifted to the skirt-chaser who answered to the name of Picasso, street brawls between hooligans in Brussels, the poor organization of the literary train and the exasperation of many of our fellow writers who have had more than enough of wasting their time and would like to be taken more seriously.
GL A discusión comeza coa caída de Occidente (por iso este "tren do benestar" avanza cara ó Leste), logo pasa a certo mullereiro apelidado Picasso, para enfrascarse despois nos enfrontamentos canallas en Bruxelas e deterse un bo anaco na mala organización deste tren literario, así como no enfastío de moitos dos nosos colegas, que están fartos de perde-lo tempo e de que non os tomen máis en serio.
- Fonte: C30 (1231)