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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- brazen, brazier, Brazil, Brazilian, breach, bread, breadbasket, breadcrumbs, breadth, break, breakable, breakaway, breakdown, breaker, breakfast, break-in, breaking, breakneck, breakthrough


- noun
- fenda

EN So off they strolled down the garden in the usual direction, past the tennis lawn, past the pampas grass, to that break in the thick hedge, guarded by red-hot pokers like brasiers of clear burning coal, between which the blue waters of the bay looked bluer than ever.
GL Así que se afastaron paseando xardín abaixo na dirección de sempre, pasaron a cancha de tenis, pasaron as plantas dos plumachos, ata aquela fenda na sebe mesta, protexida polos talos dos foguetes, dun vermello intenso coma braseiros con carbón ardente, entre os que as augas azuis da badía semellaban máis azuis ca nunca.
- Fonte: CAR (193)
- ruptura

EN He came back the next day, but she was then unable to see him, and as it was literally the first time this had occurred in the long stretch of their acquaintance he turned away, defeated and sore, almost angry --or feeling at least that such a break in their custom was really the beginning of the end-- and wandered alone with his thoughts, especially with the one he was least able to keep down.
GL Regresou ó día seguinte, pero ela non estaba en condicións de recibilo, e como era literalmente a primeira vez que isto ocorría durante toda a súa longa amizade, marchou derrotado e doído, case anoxado --ou sentindo polo menos que tal ruptura do seu costume era realmente o principio da fin-- e vagou só cos seus pensamentos, especialmente con un que non era quen de reprimir.
- Fonte: BES (644)
- interrupción

EN The images come through at the rate of four or five a second (five times slower than a normal television transmission), the size of the picture is no more than 25 cm2, and line congestion causes frequent sudden breaks in transmission.
GL As imaxes sucédense a un ritmo de 4 ou 5 por segundo (ou sexa, a unha velocidade cinco veces menor que nunha televisión clásica), o tamaño da imaxe non é superior a 25 cm--, a conxestión provoca interrupcións frecuentes e repentinas da difusión.
- Fonte: C32 (1277)

- transitive verb
- PAST: broke. PART: broken
- incumprir

EN Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks'em --Whee-oh!
GL Montes de regras! Logo, cando alguén as incumpra... ¡Leña!
- Fonte: SEN (804)
- romper

EN You'll see him then and the dark word will be broken, and you can say "God speed you," the way he'll be easy in his mind.
GL Verao daquela e romperá a palabra escura, e pode dicirlle "vai con Deus", de xeito que a súa mente fique confortada.
- Fonte: RID (144)
- partir

EN His comrades talked of how a dog could break its heart through being denied the work that killed it, and recalled instances they had known, where dogs, too old for the toil, or injured, had died because they were cut out of the traces.
GL Os compañeiros comentaban cómo a un can se lle partía o corazón de tristeza se o afastaban do seu traballo, aínda que este traballo lle estivese consumindo a vida, e lembraron casos que eles coñecían de cans xa vellos para o arrastre ou moi feridos que morrían ó xebra-los do equipo.
- Fonte: CHA (809)
- mitigar

EN We found some fruit wherewith to break our fast.
GL Atopamos algunha froita coa que mitigármo-la fame.
- Fonte: TEM (1358)
- escachar

EN A careful investigation rendered it evident that she had revived within two days after her entombment; that her struggles within the coffin had caused it to fall from a ledge, or shelf to the floor, where it was so broken as to permit her escape.
GL Unha coidadosa investigación demostrou que ela revivira dous días despois de ser soterrada; e a súa loita no interior do cadaleito provocara que este caese da repisa ou andel ó chan, e ó escacha-lo féretro puido saír.
- Fonte: BUR (40)
- crebar

EN Upon this the owl broke silence, preluding his harangue with a pious ejaculation, for he was a devout Mussulman.
GL Nisto, a curuxa crebou o silencio, preludiando a súa arenga cunha exclamación piadosa, pois que era un devoto musulmán.
- Fonte: ALH (671)
- esnaquizar

EN Do you know, he would have danced the furniture to kindling-wood in his insane joy, and broken everything on the place, if I hadn't tripped him up and tied him.
GL Mirade, con aquela tola alegría de seu, tería bailado ata deixar os mobles feitos estelas e esnaquizado todo se non lle fixese a cambadela e o atase.
- Fonte: BIL (390)
- quebrantar

EN It was this rule that the Russians were most ready to break.
GL Era unha regra que os rusos sempre estaban dispostos a quebrantar.
- Fonte: TER (1837)
- infrinxir

EN Twenty years ago, Christopher and Eileen Herman would have technically been breaking the law.
GL Hai vinte anos eses pais terían infrinxido a lei.
- Fonte: C24 (914)
.....--- to break up
- romper

EN Far from breaking up the marriage, that alliance had righted it.
GL Lonxe de rompe-lo seu matrimonio, aquel vínculo consolidárao.
- Fonte: CAR (2749)
- destruír

EN The reason for the murder lies in the past --in that tragedy which broke up your home and saddened your young life.
GL O motivo do asasinato áchase no pasado, nesa traxedia que destruíu o seu fogar e ensombreceu a súa mocidade.
- Fonte: ASA (5219)
- rematar

EN That is the time you broke up this conversation?
GL Foi entón cando remataron a conversa?
- Fonte: ASA (2940)
.....--- to break up into
- distribuír en

EN When, on the contrary, the difficulty is pretty equally dispersed and broken up into a series of steps, no one of which demands any exertion sensibly more intense than the rest, nothing is required of the student beyond that sort of application and coherent attention which in a sincere student of any standing may be presumed as a habit already and inveterately established.
GL Cando, polo contrario, a dificultade está case igualmente dispersa e distribuída nunha serie de chanzos, ningún dos cales pide un esforzo sensiblemente maior có resto, non se lle pide nada ó estudiante alén desa especie de aplicación e atención coherente que, nun estudiante sincero de calquera nivel, se pode supor como un hábito xa establecido inveteradamente.
- Fonte: LET (48)
.....--- to break somebody's neck
- romper a cabeza

EN If he was so goddam stupid not to realize it was Saturday night and everybody was out or asleep or home for the week-end, I wasn't going to break my neck telling him.
GL Se era tan estúpido que non se daba conta de que era sábado pola noite e todos estaban ou fóra ou a durmir ou na casa pasando a fin de semana, non ía eu rompe-la cabeza a dicirllo.
- Fonte: VIX (1316)
.....--- to break off
- romper

EN Algernon. You'll never break off our engagement again, Cecily?
GL Algernon: ¿Non volverá vostede rompe-lo noso compromiso, verdade, Cecily?
- Fonte: ERN (1246)
.....--- to break out
- espetar

EN But a few moments later, when he was pointing out to her the pretty design of an antique fireplace, she broke out irrelevantly, 'You don't mean to say you are going back to Geneva?'
GL Pero un anaco despois, cando el lle estaba chamando a atención sobre o bonito diseño dunha antigua lareira, espetoulle de xeito irrelevante -- ¿Non quererá dicir que vai volver a Xenebra?
- Fonte: DAI (661)
.....--- to break over
- dominar

EN Then Kino's fist closed over the pearl and his emotion broke over him.
GL O puño de Kino pechouse sobre a perla e a emoción dominouno.
- Fonte: PER (332)

- intransitive verb
- romper

EN In the pale light he could see the little waves break over her, and her skirt floated about and clung to her legs as the water receded.
GL Á pálida luz podía ve-las pequenas ondas romper sobre dela e a saia aboiar ó seu redor pegándoselle ás pernas cando a auga se retiraba.
- Fonte: PER (1030)
.....--- to break down
- avariarse

EN It was a miserable machine, an inefficient machine, she thought, the human apparatus for painting or for feeling; it always broke down at the critical moment; heroically, one must force it on.
GL O aparello humano para pintar e para sentir era unha máquina miserable, unha máquina ineficaz, pensou; sempre se avariaba no momento crítico; había que botar man do heroísmo para obrigalo a funcionar.
- Fonte: CAR (3089)
- tirar abaixo

EN I found no explosives, however, nor any means of breaking down the bronze doors.
GL De tódolos xeitos, non atopei ningún explosivo, nin ningún medio que me servise para tirar abaixo as portas de bronce.
- Fonte: TEM (1487)
.....--- to break in
- interromper

EN From even this stronghold the unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife, who would suddenly break in upon the tranquillity of the assemblage and call the members all to naught.
GL Pero mesmo neste reducto seu, o malpocado de Rip acababa sendo derrotado pola terrible esposa, que interrompía de repente a tranquilidade da reunión para criticar a todos e cada un dos seus membros.
- Fonte: RIP (56)
.....--- to break into
- entrar en

EN On deck they found the men had broken into the spirit-room, and were fast getting drunk.
GL No sollado, decatáronse de que os homes entraran na bodega, e estaban a emborracharse moi rapidamente.
- Fonte: FAB (91)
.....--- to break off
- interromperse

EN "But do you know," she broke off, turning her quick eyes upon Madame Ratignolle and leaning forward a little so as to bring her face quite close to that of her companion, "sometimes I feel this summer as if I were walking through the green meadow again; idly, aimlessly, unthinking and unguided".
GL Pero ¿sabe unha cousa? --interrompeuse, volvendo a súa mirada avispada cara á Madame Ratignolle e botándose un pouco adiante para achega-lo rostro ó da súa compañeira--. Ás veces sinto coma se este verán estivese de novo percorrendo aquel prado verde, con preguiza, á deriva, sen reflexión ningunha.
- Fonte: ESP (391)
- rematar bruscamente

EN The manuscript broke off in the middle of a line.
GL O manuscrito remataba bruscamente no medio dun verso.
- Fonte: HAL (239)
.....--- to break out
- estourar

EN Thus he had foes on every side; and as Granada is surrounded by wild and craggy mountains, which hide the approach of an enemy, the unfortunate Aben Habuz was kept in a constant state of vigilance and alarm, not knowing in what quarter hostilities might break out.
GL De maneira que tiña inimigos por xalundes, e como Granada ten ó seu redor montañas ásperas e esgrevias que agachan a aproximación dun inimigo calquera, o malpocado Aben Habuz ficaba nun estado de vixilancia e alarma constantes, sen saber de que banda podían estoura-las hostilidades.
- Fonte: ALH (87)
.....--- to break up
- interromper

EN To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the more important concerns of the election.
GL Para non eternizarse coa historia, os alí presentes interrompérono, e proseguiron cos asuntos das eleccións, que eran máis importantes.
- Fonte: RIP (218)