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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- breakdown, breaker, breakfast, break-in, breaking, breakneck, breakthrough, breakup, breakwater, breast, breastbone, breastfeed, breastfeeding, breath, breathable, breathe, breathing, breathless, breathlessly


- noun
- peito

EN He beat his breast with his fist humbly, secretly under cover of the wooden armrest.
GL Petouse no peito co puño nun acto de humildade, en secreto, baixo a protección do encosto de madeira.
- Fonte: RET (2899)
- seo

EN Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast.
GL Kino oíu o renxer das cordas de esparto cando Juana colleu do barrelo a Coyotito para o lavar e o acurrunchou no chal cerca do seo.
- Fonte: PER (49)
.....--- breast cancer
- cancro de mama

EN But that is seldom difficult to demonstrate, for example by using knowledge of, say, a gene discovered to be involved in breast cancer to design a test to seek out mutations in the gene that indicate increased susceptibility to the disease.
GL Na maioría dos casos, isto non é doado. Supoñamos que se trate do coñecemento dun xene que se sabe que intervén no cancro de mama: sempre se podería concibir un test para determina-las mutacións dese xene, que indicarán unha maior vulnerabilidade a esa enfermidade.
- Fonte: C20 (276)
.....--- breast milk
- leite materno

EN Nature has cleansed Vietnamese soils and vegetation of most of the dioxin, but the chemical has lingered on in human blood, fat and breast milk.
GL A natureza eliminou xa en boa medida a dioxina da vexetación e os solos vietnamitas, pero esa substancia segue presente no sangue, nos tecidos adiposos do ser humano e no leite materno.
- Fonte: C21 (776)