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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- breaking, breakneck, breakthrough, breakup, breakwater, breast, breastbone, breastfeed, breastfeeding, breath, breathable, breathe, breathing, breathless, breathlessly, breathtaking, breeches, breed, breeder


- noun
- respiración

EN Kino's mouth was open so that even his breath would make no sound, for he knew that he was not invisible.
GL A boca de Kino estaba aberta para que nin mesmo a respiración fixese o mínimo ruído pois sabía que el non era invisible.
- Fonte: PER (1537)
- folgos

EN I want breath and time to discuss this banquet as it deserves, and am too eager to get on with my story.
GL Laméntoo moitísimo, pero non teño tempo nin folgos para falar deste banquete como se merece, e ademais estou ansioso por continuar coa miña historia.
- Fonte: LEN (187)
- alento

EN I heard her catch her breath, and I looked round and before I could think: Is this the right way, the right card, the right gambit? --I'd already said, 'He's dead'.
GL Escoiteina conter o alento e xirei para mirala; antes de que me dese tempo a pensar se ía ben por aquel camiño, se era esa a carta do triunfo, o gambito axeitado, xa exclamara: "Morreu".
- Fonte: TER (1128)
- sopro

EN His cheerfulness vanished like a breath, and he said with a sigh: "You were a true prophet, Hal, a true prophet".
GL A súa alegría desapareceu nun sopro, e dixo cun suspiro: Fuches un auténtico profeta, Hal, un verdadeiro profeta.
- Fonte: BIL (269)
.....--- under someone's breath
- en voz baixa

EN Old Monsieur Farival laughed sardonically at something as he looked at the sails, and Beaudelet swore at the old man under his breath.
GL O vello Monsieur Farival riu con escarnio de algo, ó mira-las velas, e Beaudelet latricaba en voz baixa contra o vello.
- Fonte: ESP (920)
.....--- above someone's breath
- en voz alta

EN While he prayed he knelt on his red handkerchief and read above his breath from a thumb blackened prayer book wherein catchwords were printed at the foot of every page.
GL Mentres pregaba axeonllábase no seu pano vermello e lía, en voz alta, un libro de pregarias manchado pola polgar e no que a primeira palabra de cada páxina aparecía no final da precedente.
- Fonte: RET (1360)
.....--- to take one's breath away
- quedar sen alento

EN As they turned by the crossroads he thought what an appalling experience he had been through, and he must tell someone --Mrs Ramsay of course, for it took his breath away to think what he had been and done.
GL Ó viraren na encrucillada, pensou na asombrosa experiencia pola que acababa de pasar, e en que lla tiña que contar a alguén: á señora Ramsay, evidentemente, pois quedaba sen alento ó pensar no que pasara e mais no que fixera.
- Fonte: CAR (1139)